Scholarship Money Awarded to Wakefield High School Scholars

Scholarship Money Awarded to Wakefield High School Scholars

Wakefield Scholars

Wakefield Scholars

The Wakefield High School Education Foundation has awarded $145,500 in scholarship money to the class of 2014. This brings the total awarded by the Foundation to $1,668,669 to help 321 scholars. The following students attending four-year schools, received scholarships that will be paid out each semester for four years: Daniel Brown, Ariel Cadby-Spicer, Sivia Campos, Kevin Clark, John "Jack" Dobbins Jr, Brooke Shannon Giles, Emily Hambridge, Angela Jaramillo, Chloe-Alexandra Laird, Richard Matthew Samonte Tan, Gerber O Reyes and Leo Biette-Timmons. The following students attending the Northern Virginia Community College received scholarships that will be paid out each semester for two years: Andrea Petretti, Alvaro Sejas-Gamboa, Masud Haque, Jessica Portillo and Rodrigo Balderrama. Two students who had previously been selected as scholarship recipients to attend the Northern Virginia Community College and are now prepared to attend four-year colleges also received scholarships to aid in those two years. They are Yuan Zhai WHS ’11 and Nicole Stephanie Plaza WHS ’12. In addition, the following students met all the criteria and were selected to be Wakefield Scholars. But, because they have been awarded significant funding from other sources, they were honored and recognized with a one-time grant: Ashley Lemus, Raquel Marriott, Yoel Fessahaye, Leyla J Izquierdo and Tesay Yusuf.