Arlington Connection

Calendar Submission (Burke and Fairfax Connections)

Complete this form to submit an entertainment or community/civic calendar item for the Burke or Fairfax Connections. All calendar and bulletin board items run on a space available basis. In general, we include events that are local and open to the public for free or at a nominal cost. If you have questions, please email or call Amna at 703-778-9441.

Contact information for SUBMISSION. Please provide contact information in case we have questions about the submission for the event itself. This information will not be published, but all three fields are needed to submit the form:

The following information will be included in the event listing.
We will edit for style, space & clarity.



This is the person or office the public will contact if they have questions about the event or want more information. It may or may not be the same as the contact above.

Must include at least one contact method, may include all three if desired.

Tell us what is happening and where, and name any people who are identifiable in the photo.

Is there something else we need to know about the event? Include dates and information here if this event will take place more than one time e.g.: 2-5 p.m. on Saturday, but 1-4 on Sunday, monthly or every Friday, etc.) or there is other information you think we need.