Thursday, August 30

Molnar Leads Yorktown Volleyball Past South County
Junior tallies 20 kills in five-game, season-opening victory.
Molnar's 20 kills propel Yorktown volleyball past South County in opener.
Classified Advertising Aug 29, 2012
Read the latest Classified ads here!

Wiygul Automotive wins Chamber Golf Classic.
More than 120 golfers came together to participate in the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic, held Aug. 27 at the Belle Haven Country Club.
Arlington Orange Line 8/29
Arlington Orange Line 8/29

‘Best Little Whorehouse in Texas’ at Signature Theatre
It was known as The Chicken Ranch, a century-old “business” in La Grange, Texas, that earned its nickname for accepting chickens as payment for services rendered.
Arlington Calendar 8/29
Arlington Calendar 8/29
Letter: Separate and Unequal - II
Your editorial in the titled "Separate and Unequal ?" [The Connection, July 25-31, 2012], addressed the "eye-popping" disparately low admission of Black and Latino students to Thomas Jefferson High School, and the complaint that this was "in voilation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin."

Students Riding Buses To Use Vouchers
Overcrowding spotlights problem with “walk backs.”
In a letter sent out to parents in July, Superintendent of Schools Patrick Murphy said that elementary students who live more than one mile from school and middle and high school students who live 1 and a half miles from school will still receive bus transportation.
Aquatics Center On the Ballot
State-of-the-art facility to be considered by voters this fall.
When they head to the polls this November, voters may be thinking of Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps.
Superintendent Responds to Bus Concerns
The following letter by Superintendent of Schools Patrick K. Murphy was addressed to Arlington Public School families.

Enjoying Wags n’ Whiskers
More than 35 exhibitors set up tents and booths offering information on pet services, adoptions, accessories, tasty treats and more.

Known and Unknown: What Would Candidates Do In Richmond If Elected?
Two candidates in special election say they don't know what bills they would introduce next year.
Voters in next week’s special election will be faced with a choice between the familiar and the unknown in the Sept. 4 special election.
Wednesday, August 29
Arlington Home Sales: July, 2012
In July 2012, 257 Arlington homes sold between $2,100,000-$85,000.
Arlington Home Sales in July, 2012
Column: Diagnosed But Not Sick
Having/being diagnosed with cancer/a terminal disease is neither fun nor funny; however, unless I find some humor or wishful thinking in how I approach this situation, I don’t suppose I’ll be approaching it much longer. To me, it’s always been mind over matter, and even though these matters are rather serious, I still don’t mind.
Tuesday, August 28

How To Register, Vote and Vote Early
Election Day is Nov. 6, but you can vote as early as Sept. 21.
How important is it for Virginia voters to turn out on or before Nov. 6? As a critical “battleground” state, Virginia will be key in determining who will be the next President of the United States. Who will represent Virginia in the U.S. Senate is also too close to call. Since polling shows that there are very few undecided voters in the Commonwealth, every eligible voter will want to be sure to cast a ballot.
Friday, August 24
Opinion: Mindless Slashing
Automatic cuts set to kick in January would harm Northern Virginia more than any other region.
While reducing the federal deficit is critical to the nation's economic health in the long run, the knee jerk, slash and burn method based only on cuts that is coming at us like a freight train will do immense damage to the economy nationally. But no place would feel the pain more intensely than Northern Virginia.
Thursday, August 23
Ed Dixon: One Night Only at Signature
Signature Theatre will host a one-night performance and book-signing featuring Broadway star and Helen Hayes Award-winner Ed Dixon.
‘Beyond The Parking Lot’ at Artisphere Aug. 24 – Nov. 4
Inspired by the Joni Mitchell song, “Big Yellow Taxi” where “they paved paradise and they put up a parking lot,” Artisphere's visual art exhibition Beyond the Parking Lot will motivate the viewer to think how we have used and deserted the land that surrounds us in our everyday life.
Arlington Orange Line 8/22
Arlington Orange Line 8/22
Arlington Calendar 8/22
Arlington Calendar 8/22

Senior Citizens
"Flourishing After 55"
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for Sept. 4-8.
About the Connection
The paper you're reading, the Arlington Connection is one of 15 papers published by the independent, locally owned Local Media Connection LLC, serving the suburbs of Metropolitan Washington in Northern Virginia and Potomac, Md.
Get Involved: Volunteer in Arlington
For more details, contact Volunteer Arlington at 703-228-1760 or

Small-Town Metropolis
Importance of neighborhoods.
As the squeaking of sneakers on a basketball court and the rhythmic sounds of a competitive ping-pong game played in the background among the sounds of a busy Monday evening in the Gunston Community Center, Christopher Zimmerman, a member of the Arlington County Board, stated that his favorite part about the Arlington community was that it, indeed, was a community.
Meet the Arlington School Board
The Arlington School Board has five members who serve overlapping four-year terms.
Meet the Arlington County Board
Since 1930, the county has been governed by a five-member County Board rather than a County Board of Supervisors. Board members are elected at-large for staggered four year terms, and the chairmanship rotates annually.
Newcomers and Community Guide
What’s on November’s Ballot?
From municipal bond initiatives to a hotly contested race for the United States Senate, the Arlington ballot has a wide range of items on the Nov. 6 ballot. Here’s a look at what voters will see when they head to the polls.
Newcomers' Guide
Newcomers' Guide
What do you like best about living in Arlington?
Chloe Davis: "I grew up here and I love the diversity. It's a dense population but there are people here from all over the world."
Enjoy the Music, Enjoy the Wine
Crystal City Water Park entertains Friday evenings in September.
Fine vintages, live music, tasty fare and friendly crowds, all in a scenic outdoor venue, make Friday evenings at the Crystal City Water Park one of Arlington’s most entertaining hidden gems.
Date Night Means Columbia Pike
Convenient location for an evening out.
For off the beaten path fun in Arlington, consider an evening out at the 2900 block of Columbia Pike. With Thai food, film, comedy and live music all in one convenient location, make it a date night to remember.
True or False?
1) Arlington County’s written history goes back to Captain John Smith’s voyage up the Potomac in 1608.
For Young and Old
Arlington offers range of activities.
Arlington County is bustling with activities, events and places to socialize.

Hidden History of St. Asaph Racetrack
Del Ray was once home to an infamous gambling operation creating by a double-dealing senator.
You’d never know it today, but Del Ray was once the capital of gambling in Northern Virginia.
Wednesday, August 22
Classified Advertising Aug. 22, 2012
Read the latest Home and Garden, Employment and Classifieds here!
Column: Life in the Cancer Lane
Having been there and done that now for three and a half years certainly helps. And however familiar it may be and/or has become, it doesn’t exactly help to pass the time or affect the results, unfortunately. Cancer sucks! That much is clear. Now and in the future.
Thursday, August 16
Classified Advertising Aug. 15, 2012
Read the latest Classified, Home and Garden and Employment!

Senior Flash Mob at County Fair
The annual Arlington County Fair was just gearing up on Friday, Aug. 10 for the evening crowd as 60 or more senior citizens walked and then began dancing on the new turf playing field.

Jazz Samba Project
Local singer to perform at Kennedy Center Aug. 17.
Veronneau performs at the Kennedy Center at the Millennium Stage, Aug. 17, at 6 p.m.

Three-Way Race for the House of Delegates Special Election
Voters to choose between Democrat, Republican and Libertarian in lightning-fast campaign.
Voters in the special election for the House of Delegates have a variety of choices, offering candidates on the left and the right and somewhere in between.
Wednesday, August 15

Stewart a Humble Star for Yorktown Football Team
Patriots enter 2012 with talent at skill positions, strong defense.
The Yorktown football team has many weapons on offense.
Summer is Hummin’ at Signature
The Washington Theatre community has joined forces to present the inaugural Summer Hummer, a bawdy, vaudeville-type variety show to benefit Taking Care of Our Own, a new initiative assisting D.C.-area theatre professionals and artists in personal emergency situations. Monday, Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. The show is for audiences 18 years and older.

Cheti Aids Students in Tanzania
Arlington-based charity focuses on education.
Cheti, a new charity based in Arlington, is an educational development program that strives to aid the impoverished people of Tanzania, Africa by providing funds to local schools and aiding students in acquiring a higher level of education.
Column: A Pill a Day…
Hopefully will keep the cancer at bay. (I’d say “away,” but let’s be realistic, three and a half years past a NSCLC diagnosis, there is no way, generally speaking, that stage IV lung cancer disappears into the ether; it’s classified as stage IV for a reason.

Arlington Voters to Determine Fate of Capital-Improvement Projects This November
From a new aquatics center to paving roads, bond initiatives tend to be popular.
It’s been more than 20 years since a bond referendum failed in Arlington, an indication of how popular the spending items are with voters in the county.
Tuesday, August 14

Local Students Become Scientists in Training
George Mason University hosts science summer camp.
About 50 local students spent part of the summer transforming water into oxygen and trying to create a self-sustaining colony on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn at a two-week summer camp.
Thursday, August 9
Classified Advertising Aug. 8, 2012
Read the lastest Classified, Employment and Home and Garden ads!

Should Virginia Compensate for Dark Days of Eugenics?
Del. Patrick Hope (D-44) asks governor and General Assembly to form a task force.
The number of victims is unknown in Virginia’s system of forced sterilization, a dark chapter that stretched from the 1920s into the 1970s.

A Stark Choice: Candidates in Special Election Are on Opposite Sides of Key Issues
Voters to choose between radically different views in September.
The summer of 2012 is turning out to be the hottest political season in recent memory, and not just because of the record-breaking temperatures.
Wednesday, August 8
At Summer Camp
A Summer-at-WES camper, Theodore Dematatis, age 6, cools off at the outdoor show at Bethesda Pool during Washington Episcopal School’s summer camp last month when temperatures soared to near 100.

Signature Theatre Hosts Open House
The music started at noon on stage in the MAX, a Signature Theatre highlights concert — looking ahead to the new season, “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas,” “Hello Dolly!,” and “Company.”
Arlington Calendar 8/8/12
Arlington Calendar
Arlington Orange line Events 8/8/12
Arlington Orange line Events

Supporting New Hope Housing
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Harris were among 50 guests who attended a summer wine-tasting at The Curious Grape in Shirlington to benefit New Hope Housing and its work to prevent homelessness in Northern Virginia.
Have Disc, Will Fly — to Dublin
Two Arlington residents to compete in international Frisbee tournament.
The same day that the 2012 Summer Olympics comes to an end, Aug. 12 is also the start of another international sports event, the World Flying Disc Federation’s World Junior Ultimate Championships in Dublin, Ireland. Ultimate Frisbee teams from all over the world will be competing. Two Arlington residents will be a part of the U.S. team: Jojo Emerson and Jay Boyle.
Be Aware
Forum discusses sexual assault in Arlington County.
At a forum on sexual assault on July 19 at the Fairlington Community Center, Theo Stamos, the Commonwealth's Attorney for Arlington County and the City of Falls Church, said that in the 26 years that she has been a prosecutor, she has seen a change in Americans’ attitudes towards sexual assault and domestic violence.
Signature’s ‘Whorehouse’ Opens Its Doors
Signature Theatre kicks off its 2012/13 season with the Tony Award®-winning musical comedy “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas,” beginning performances on Tuesday, Aug. 14.

County Fair Opens
Thomas Jefferson Community Center hosts five-day event.
It's time for the annual Arlington County Fair. Offering a variety of activities for all ages, it includes rides, pig races, competitive exhibits, evening movies such as “The Hunger Games” and plenty of food.
Column: Derive to Survive
Now that I can taste food again, or rather have food taste like normal again, my attitude is much improved.

At Dark Star Park
Every year at 9:32 a.m. on Aug. 1, shadows cast by the poles and spheres of the Dark Star Park public art piece align with the metal shadows on the ground.
Thursday, August 2

59th Anniversary of Korean War
Friday, July 27, marked the 59th anniversary of the armistice agreement that brought an end to the fighting of the Korean War between North Korea, China, South Korea, and United Nations forces, which included the United States.

Going the Distance
American Century Theater tackles 'Marathon '33.'
Inducing people to endure discomfort, pain and humiliation for the promise of cash prizes sounds like a season of “Survivor” or “Fear Factor.”
Classified Advertising (Aug. 1, 2012)
Read the lastest Employment, Home and Garden and Classified ads!

Lightning Campaign Pits Longtime Elected Official Against Progressive Newcomer
Democrats to determine special election candidate this weekend.
This week, Democrats will determine their candidate in a special election blitz campaign that offers little time for voters to learn much about their options.
Wednesday, August 1
Letter: Elite for A Reason
Thoughts on student academic potential.

World of Beer Arrives in Arlington
Fans of craft beer can grab a pint and enjoy a truly global selection of brew at World of Beer, ready to serve on Aug. 6. The Ballston location is the first branch to open in Virginia, and owners are enthusiastic about the location.
Letter: What’s Best for State Residents?
Thoughts on access to health care.
Fairfax Backs Columbia Pike Streetcar Plan
On Tuesday, July 31, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a streetcar line as the locally preferred option for transit along the Columbia Pike corridor.

Washington Boulevard Trail Yields Environmentalist Debate
County looks to building trail on east side of boulevard.
While Arlington County has been discussing its plans for the Washington Boulevard trail at community meetings, two opposing petitions concerning the trail have surfaced on
Arlington Calendar 8/1/12
Calendar Events
Orange Line Events 8/1/12
Orange Line Events

Celebrating Local Harvest
Starting at 8 a.m. every Saturday morning, more than 30 producers display and sell local fruits, vegetables, cheeses, dairy products, poultry and meats, plants and flowers, fresh baked goods and more next to the Arlington County Courthouse at the intersection of N. Courthouse Road and N. 14th Street in Arlington.
Column: Choosing My Words, Respectively
It has been brought to my attention by some regular Kenny-column readers – who are friends, too, and whose opinions I value, that my most recent batch of “cancer columns” (as I call them) were not funny; in fact, they were more depressing and negative than anything, and not nearly as uplifting and hopeful as many of my previous columns have been.
Food for Hot People
H-B grad pursues culinary dream.
Every Thursday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., area food trucks park in a small, deserted lot on the corner of 18th Street and Crystal Drive in Crystal City. Hungry workers on lunch break soon flock to the trucks.

Getting a Body Like an Olympian
Local fitness gurus offer gold medal advice for achieving a toned, muscular body.
Muscular legs, toned abs and buffed biceps are hard to miss in London this week, but is it possible for the average sports fan to achieve a body like an Olympian? Local fitness experts say "maybe."
Taking Care of One’s Teeth
American Dental Association says many Americans don’t know basic oral care.
Here’s a pop quiz: How often should a person replace their toothbrush? "Once a year," said Terrie Andrews of McLean.

Beating Bad Breath
Dental experts offer solutions for chronic halitosis.
When Amanda Welch’s boyfriend asked her to marry him last spring, she accepted his proposal on one condition: that he find a cure for his bad breath.
Editorial: Readers Respond on TJ Admissions
"Stop making smart 8th graders feel inferior because they are not admitted."
Readers responded to last week's editorial, which cited a civil rights complaint about the apparent lack of access to gifted and talented programs and admission to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.