Saturday, June 30
Severe Storms Rock Region; 1.5 Million Homes Without Power
Virginia Governor announces State of Emergency.
Following the aftermath of last night's surprise thunderstorms, many local residents woke up to significant amount of damage. Fallen trees and branches were spread across the area, and power outages were abundant.
Friday, June 29
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Thursday, June 28
Realtors Launch ‘Ask Me!’ Campaign
Association points towards positive trends in region’s real estate market.
Realtors say there is room for hope in the northern Virginia real estate. Due to an increase in demand, the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors launched its "Ask Me!" campaign to help educate both consumers and agents about the positive trends in the region's real estate market.

Looking for a Hug? Look No Further
Hugging Saint to embrace 5,000 individuals in Alexandria.
Some people are huggers, some are not. Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, also known as Amma, is definitely the former. With over 30 million hugs and counting, she is known as the "hugging saint."
Wednesday, June 27

A ‘Green Leader’
Students at Christ Episcopal School in Rockville understand the importance of a green future at school and in the community.

Helping the Needy
On Sunday, June 17, parishioners of St. James’ Episcopal Church in Potomac, stuffed 50 new backpacks with a starter pack of school supplies for Interfaith Works.
Arlington Calendar for June 27, 2012
Upcoming Events.
Rappellers raise $60,000 for Special Olympics.
Rose Pleskow is not one to shy away from a challenge. The 23-year-old athlete competed in the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Athens, Greece, last summer, earned multiple medals in the 2012 Virginia Special Olympic Summer Games and recently competed in an 800-meter race in the waters around the Cayman Islands. But on June 22, she did something most people wouldn't dare: rappelling down the side of a 15-story building.

Decision Reached on Jamestown Trailers
Option with most votes from community used
Following community feedback, Arlington County Public Schools has decided to move the trailers at Jamestown Elementary to the same side of the building on the far side of the field on 38th Street North .
Powering Down Oil?
Environment America advocates for electric cars this summer.
Near an electric charging station in Arlington recently, Environment America, an environmental advocacy organization, urged citizens to use cleaner, more fuel-efficient cars to help the environment and cut costs for households during a press conference.
Arlington Marine Dies in Afghanistan
Lance Cpl. Niall W. Cotisears
Column: A GAP In My Thinking
Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was forced to buy a new car (in this instance, “new” means different, not a current model year). Estimated repairs at 137,000 miles that could have escalated into the unknown – and unaffordable – thousands compelled me to fish so I wouldn’t have my bait cut (and I don’t even like to fish).

Brief- Summer Campfires at Nature Centers
Families are invited to the Gulf Branch fire ring or Long Branch Amphitheater for old-fashioned fun — including s'mores.
Northern Virginia’s Role in the War of 1812
200-year perspective.
To most Americans, the War of 1812 is the "forgotten war." Its mention conjures images from a short list: The burning Capitol; Francis Scott Key writing poetry during the bombardment of Fort McHenry, Baltimore; or Dolley Madison fleeing the White House with George Washington's painting under her arm.

Summer Campfires at Nature Centers
Families are invited to the Gulf Branch fire ring or Long Branch Amphitheater for old-fashioned fun — including s'mores.
Big Weekend of Music Set For Lubber Run Amphitheater
Weekend of Music Set for Lubber Run Amphitheater
The Lubber Run Amphitheater presents a full three-night weekend of free live entertainment under the stars of Arlington this week.

U.S. and French Dancers Compete
Dance battle at the Artisphere concludes weeklong hip-hop festival.
For one week, people in the Washington area saw the result of combining French and hip-hop. The Urban Corps hip-hop festival showcased the different styles of U.S. and French hip-hop dance and ended on Friday, May 25 at the Artisphere in Rosslyn with a dance battle pitting three dance crews from France against two local crews.
Seeking Next ‘Signature Idol’
Signature Theatre is looking for the next “Signature Idol” with the return of its Signature Idol Competition being held during this year’s annual Open House on Aug. 4.
Flourishing After 55
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for July 8-14.
Tuesday, June 26
Editorial: Case Closed. Why the Secrecy?
No reason for police to exercise "blanket" approach, shielding every document in every case.
Connection readers know that we respect and appreciate our public safety professionals.
Monday, June 25

Even in Closed Cases, Police Maintain Culture of Secrecy
Public must rely on information police agencies choose to share, even if it's wrong.
In December of 2008, the Fairfax Police Department chased 19-year-old Hailu Brook across the county line into Arlington and shot him dead.
Thursday, June 21

Fit To Frame
Arlington artist receives 2012 VAP residency
Skill, creativity and workmanship are necessary elements for any career artist. Work that is judged worthy by peers through a juried process, however, adds a new level of professionalism.
Fairfax Board Objects to Governor’s Transit Funding Game
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors signed a regional letter to Transportation Secretary Sean Connaughton on Tuesday, June 19, objecting to the administration’s attempt to circumvent the efficient transit funding system used successfully in Northern Virginia for decades.

First-Year Principals Note Challenges, Accomplishments
Arlington principals share experiences after one year on the job.
Arlington County Public Schools are in the last throes of the academic year, and as summer break approaches, Bridget Loft and Kenwyn Schaffner reflect on their time as principals one year on the job.
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Arlington and Alexandria Agree to Move in Different Directions on Corridor
Street car to move forward in Arlington; its future is uncertain in Alexandria.
Some say time heals all wounds. For leaders in Arlington and Alexandria, it may also be the solution to a disagreement about how to move forward with a regional transit system.
Wednesday, June 20
Singing about God
Arlington native pursues spiritual music.
From our hearts we speak, declaring Your majesty," sings Nicois Harris on "Glorious," the first track on her latest album, "un-di-‘ni-a-bel."

Fit To Frame
Arlington artist receives 2012 VAP residency.
Skill, creativity and workmanship are necessary elements for any career artist. Work that is judged worthy by peers through a juried process, however, adds a new level of professionalism.

Comedy Stereotypes ‘70s Catholic Teaching
“Sister Mary Ignatious” at Gunston Theatre II.
With the Catholic Church in the news over issues such as the federal health care law, it seems timely to see The American Century Theater’s performance of “Sister Mary Ignatious Explains It All For You,” Christopher Durang’s comedy.
Getting Involved
Youth empowerment symposium highlights area non-profits.
On Wednesday, June 27, Arlington residents are invited to join the Empowering Arlington Youth symposium, a panel discussion of youth-centered, non-profit organizations.
Westover’s New Farmer’s Market
The new farmers market in Arlington’s Westover Village neighborhood opened last month.

H-B Celebrates Prom Night
H-B Woodlawn Secondary School held its prom on Tuesday, June 12, at the State Theater in Falls Church.

Science Lovers Watch Venus-Sun Crossing
A teachable moment.
Arlingtonians gathered at the top of the parking garage in Ballston Mall on June 5 at sunset to witness what will be the only occurrence in their lifetime.
Towers Park Redesign Survey Underway
Two options being considered.
The Department of Parks and Recreation is surveying Towers Park off of Columbia Pike at 801 South Scott Street as part of a plan to redesign the park and make a number of improvements.
Columbia Pike Blues
Peter Karp and Sue Foley, Karl Stoll & the Danger Zone, Moondog Medicine Show, Danny Blew & the Blues Crew and Chris Polk were the headliners at the 17th Annual Columbia Pike Blues Festival on Saturday, June 16. Hundreds of residents and fans mingled and danced hours away enjoying the music.
Column: Where To Begin?
I realize this admission may sound weird, but having cancer is boring. Don’t get me wrong, I’m lucky to be alive, and quite happy about it, too. But waiting for the other shoe to drop, i.e. some bad cancer news to appear (lab work, scan, advisory from my oncologist), is tiresome because it’s always so worrisome.

YHB Ultimate Frisbee Teams End Season with Wins
At the 2012 USA Ultimate Virginia High School Championship held on May 12-13 in Carrollton, Va., the YHB boys varsity team took 1st place in the open division for the third in row out of 12 teams.

First County Shelter Becoming ‘Residences at Mondloch’
Mondloch House undergoes renovation, will include 20 affordable housing units.
Fairfax County’s focus on ending homelessness took a step forward this month when the county began renovating its first ever homeless shelter - Mondloch House - to increase housing opportunities for single adults.
Tuesday, June 19

Yorktown Grads Dowdell, Wood Teammates Again
Former Patriot sluggers play for Vienna River Dogs of CRCBL.
After stellar baseball careers at Yorktown High School, Red Dowdell and Shaun Wood have continued their successful ways while playing in the Cal Ripken Collegiate Baseball League.
Arlington Sports Briefs
George Washington University will host a softball camp; Arlington County offers soccer clinics and registration is open for Senior Olympics.

Arlington Real Estate: April 2012 Sales in $800,000s
In April 2012, 248 Arlington homes sold between $3,100,000-$70,000.
Arlington Real Estate: April 2012 Sales in $800,000s

Making the Most of Summer
Advice for planning warm weather activities for children.
"I’m bored, there’s nothing to do," is a phrase often uttered by children during the summer. The end of the school year leaves many parents scrambling for activities to keep their young ones active and stimulated. Experts say it is important to plan activities to keep children safe and out of trouble.
Arlington Home Sales: May, 2012
In May 2012, 318 Arlington homes sold between $3,555,000-$105,000.
Arlington Home Sales in May, 2012
Editorial: Summer Projects
Reader input needed for community guides, Pet Connection.
The summer is in full swing at the Connection, with many interns and staff members focused on some light and some more serious summer projects.
Friday, June 15

Father's Day Photo Gallery 2012
We asked our readers to send in pictures in honor of Father's Day on Sunday, June 17. Here are their submissions.
Thursday, June 14

Arlington Sports Briefs
The 12U Arlington Bulldawgs won the AYBA Virginia State Tournament on June 3 by defeating the Stafford Magic in a hard-fought battle in the state tournament finals.

Yorktown Girls’ Soccer Falls in Region Semifinals
The Yorktown girls’ soccer team’s 2012 season came to an end on May 30 with a 4-2 loss to Stone Bridge in the Northern Region semifinals.

Lowen, Yoest Pitch Patriots Past West Potomac
Yorktown baseball ends season in regional quarterfinals.
John Yoest struck out West Potomac’s 3-4-5 hitters, including a pair of first-team all-region selections, in the seventh inning and Yorktown held on for a 7-4 victory on May 25 at Greenbrier Park.
Wednesday, June 13
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Ballston Residents Concerned New Theater Could Become Financial Drain
Will Virginia Square black box become a black hole similar to Artisphere?
When the Arlington County Board approved a new nine-story mixed-use commercial building in Virginia Square earlier this year, it was a deal that seemed too good to be true.
Summer Concert Season Begins at Lubber Run
The Lubber Run Amphitheater free summer performance schedule begins Friday, June 15, at 8 p.m. with Mary Ann Redmond.
Editorial: Partnerships That Make a Difference
Strategic partnerships with businesses, community organizations, benefit public good and fill gaps since government cannot do it all.
A few weeks ago, the Connection was lucky enough to be included in a group of Fairfax County organizations honored for their efforts in giving back to the community.
Staving Off Mosquitoes
Chemical-free methods for controlling backyard pests.
Nothing spoils a backyard barbecue like a swarm of bloodthirsty mosquitoes. How does one keep bugs at bay without harsh chemicals? Local experts offer tips.

Trends in Landscape Design
Local tastemakers offer suggestions for making the most of backyard space.
Whether creating a tapestry of bold colors, a sanctuary to escape stress or simply a low maintenance landscape, local designers say taking a backyard from dull to dazzling is easier than one might think, and offer insight into hottest landscape elements as well as trends in sustainable design.

Community Discusses, Votes on Relocation of Trailers
Current placement receives no votes.
A public discussion on the placement of the trailers at Jamestown Elementary School was held June 4 to address community concerns with the initial placement.
BuddhaFest Returns to Arlington
Four Day Festival at the Artisphere
BuddhaFest, a film festival featuring spiritual talks, meditation and live music, returns to the Washington, D.C. area from Thursday, June 14 to Sunday, June 17.
Column: Apparent, Now More Than Ever
I last celebrated my father’s day six years ago, in 2006. Six months later, in early December, he finally succumbed to that which had been ailing him: old age for sure, the effects of two strokes for certain and the realization that it was, as we like to say in our family: “Enough already.”

The Father Factor
Fairfax County’s "Fathers In Touch" program teaches men how to be fathers.
Calvin Robertson slams his fist down on the table and barks instructions to the 11 fathers seated around the table at the South Gate Community Center in Reston.
Monday, June 11

Deloitte's 13th annual IMPACT Day preps 2,000 high school students for college and careers
Deloitte LLP, an international firm that provides audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services, celebrated its 13th annual IMPACT Day this past Friday.
Stacker in Summer Junior Olympics
Eleven year old is current U.S. National Champion, a two-time World Champion.
While some pre-teen boys are playing in house league basketball and soccer games, 11-year-old William Polly of Arlington is gearing up for the AAU Junior Olympics in Houston, Texas, to take place July 25-27. He will be competing in sport stacking, which Polly said he began when he was nine years old.
TAPS Supports Loved Ones on Memorial Day
Connecting those who lost loved ones in war.
Despite being one of the hottest days in the spring so far this year, thousands from all over the country paid tribute to the fallen on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery.

Knights Host Texas Veterans
World War II visitors honored.
More than one person asked why the Knights of Columbus in Northern Virginia would extend dinner invitations to more than 50 visiting WW II veterans from Texas.

Area Residents Ride To Support MS Research
Helping to raise awareness as well as funds.
On June 9, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s local chapter will host Bike MS, the 30th annual event in which bikers seek sponsors to raise money and awareness for multiple sclerosis research.
Thursday, June 7

Riding to Support MS Research
Helping to raise awareness as well as funds
On June 9, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s local chapter will host Bike MS, the 30th annual event in which bikers seek sponsors to raise money and awareness for multiple sclerosis research. This year’s event, called Ride the Riverside, begins and ends at the National Harbor and lasts overnight. Participants can ride between 30 and 150 miles.
Casino Night To Benefit Neighborhood Health Services
Uninsured and Medicaid patients to benefit from event.
Monte Carlo is coming to Alexandria on Thursday, June 28. But lucky blackjack and roulette players will not be the only ones who will win out that night. All proceeds go to the Alexandria Neighborhood Health Services, Inc., a federally qualified healthcare center that provides quality healthcare to those that have trouble with access in northern Virginia.

Voters to Determine Republican and Democratic Candidates for House and Senate
Low turnout expected in June 12 primary.
Election officials are expecting an extremely low turnout for the June 12 primary, ranging from 3 percent in Arlington to 15 percent in Alexandria.
Wednesday, June 6

The Power of Touch
Reiki masters credit the practice with promoting healing.
"May I touch you?" asks Marion Werner, a willowy woman with shoulder-length blonde hair. Her hands descend lightly on her patient’s chest.
Editorial: Primary Voting
Statewide primary on Tuesday, June 12.
On Tuesday, June 12, Virginia will hold a statewide Republican primary for U.S. Senate, plus numerous more local primaries for U.S. House of Representatives and localities.
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Column: Haven’t I Learned Anything?
I’m not going to beat myself up too badly; after all, I do have terminal cancer. However, I am disappointed in my behavior of late, especially as it relates to my status as a still-active (thank God!) cancer patient/survivor undergoing treatment.
Friday, June 1
Weather Alert: Fairfax County, Entire National Capital Area (Friday, June 1, 2012)
Severe Weather to Impact Area; Tornado Watch Until 9 p.m.
The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch until 9 p.m. for Fairfax County and the entire National Capital Area. Thunderstorms, heavy rains, wind, large hail and potential flooding are also expected beginning this afternoon.