Wednesday, October 31
Classified Advertising Oct 31, 2012
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“Flourishing After 55”
upcoming events

Ghoulish Halloween Cooking
Spooktacular ideas for making halloween treats with children.
Looking to add a bit of sugary fright to Halloween? From swamp juice and mummy pizza to haunted gingerbread houses and spider cupcakes, local culinary experts say ideas for frightful treats abound.

Voices From the Past
‘Cantorial’ debuts at LTA.
“Cantorial” is playing now through Nov. 17 at The Little Theatre of Alexandria, 600 Wolfe St., Alexandria. For tickets or more information, call 703-683-0496 or visit
Arlington Orange Line: Oct. 31, 2012
upcoming events and activities
Arlington Calendar: Oct. 31, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
Arlington Bulletin Board: Oct. 31, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
Arlington Military Notes: Oct. 31, 2012
military notes

Brief: ‘Night At The Palace II’
The National Chamber Ensemble opens its sixth season with "Night at the Palace II" on Saturday Nov. 3, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre at Artisphere in Arlington.

Harvest of Hope Honorees
The Third Annual Harvest for Hope event was held Saturday, Oct. 20 at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association conference center.

Outdoor Pickleball Mixer
The first outdoor doubles pickleball mixer in Arlington was held Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Walter Reed Community Center tennis courts.

Halloween Merriment for Local Children
Marymount's 16th annual HalloweenFest offers an afternoon of trick-or-treating, games and crafts.
Some local children got Halloween treats a few days early thanks to the generosity of students at Marymount University.

Selected for Honors Choir
Group of 131 chosen from more than 600 students from around the state.
An Arlington student was recently selected to join a group of esteemed Virginia vocalists.
Letter: Support Aquatic Facility
After more than a decade of planning, dozens of community meetings, two professional market surveys and approvals by various bodies, the voters will have the final say on the Long Bridge aquatic facility.
Letter: Investigate Voter
Last week, Congressman Jim Moran sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder calling on him to investigate allegations of voter fraud in Harrisonburg, Va.
Tuesday, October 30
Editorial: As Sandy Rolls In, Still Plan to Vote
Variety of choices in political landscape.
Hurricane Sandy means that the week preceding the election will not be what we were expecting. This editorial is being written Sunday night, Oct. 28, as forecasters predict five inches of rain and 65-mile-per-hour winds over the next two days.
Crime Report
Crime report of Arlington
Column: Reflections on Developing Sustainable Communities
As Arlingtonians work on their energy plan, develop strategies for local food, and explore other elements of sustainability, it would at least help — and it may be essential — to explore, discuss and develop an “Earth Ethic.” I personally look forward to continued sharing and collaboration on these topics and issues with friends and colleagues in Arlington.

Substance Abuse Rehab Center Marks 50 Years
From ARI to Vanguard to Phoenix House.
In celebration of Phoenix House of the Mid-Atlantic’s anniversary, the staff reflected on the transformation of the Phoenix House in Arlington from a small non-profit organization for alcoholics to an all-encompassing substance abuse rehabilitation center.
Sunday, October 28
Storm Related Closings
Current list of weather related closings that Connection Newspapers is aware of.
Area Schools Closing in Face of Weather Threat
Threat of flooding, high winds from Hurricane Sandy prompts decision.
Better safe than sorry. Based on that philosophy, Fairfax County Public Schools announced early Sunday afternoon that all FCPS schools will be closed Monday and Tuesday because of the continuing threat of flooding and hurricane-force winds from Hurricane Sandy, a “rare hybrid storm” expected to make landfall on Monday.
Thursday, October 25

Voters to Determine Fate of Amendment to Limit Use of Eminent Domain
Measure will allow property owners to seek damages for loss of profits and access.
Nowhere is the debate about eminent domain more intense than the foot of King Street in Alexandria, where city officials threatened to take land owned by the Old Dominion Boat Club using the power of eminent domain for flood mitigation.
Wednesday, October 24

Yorktown Field Hockey Finishes District Runner-Up
Patriots reach championship game despite loss of 12 seniors.
The Yorktown field hockey team lost to Mount Vernon in the National District championship game on Oct. 22.

The Passover Amendment: Should Legislators Meet on Religious Holidays?
Former Del. David Englin (D-45) was behind amendment now before voters.
Every year, the Virginia General Assembly convenes several weeks after the session to react to the governor’s vetoes.
Linke Named GM at Crystal Gateway Marriott
Regan Linke, a veteran of the hospitality industry, has been named general manager of Crystal Gateway Marriott, situated in the heart of Arlington’s Crystal City district at 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway. Linke rejoins Crystal Gateway Marriott hotel from Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel, where he served as general manager since 2007.
Tuesday, October 23
Classified Advertising Oct 24, 2012
Read the latest ads here!
Orange Line: Oct. 24, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
Arlington Calendar: Oct. 24, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
"Flourishing After 55"
Upcoming events and activities for seniors
Brief: Jim Lauderdale Comes to Artisphere
With bluegrass and country compositions known to millions, two-time Grammy winning international recording artist Jim Lauderdale performs at Artisphere in the intimate Dome Theatre, on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 8pm. Tickets are $22. Visit
Brief: More Halloween
More Halloween events.
Brief: Falloween Comes to Clarendon
Market Common Clarendon presents the third annual FALLoween, a free, fun event for families on Saturday, Oct. 27.
Brief: Walk for Homeless Benefits A-SPAN
Step out for your lunch break on Halloween, Wednesday, Oct. 31, and join hundreds of Rosslyn business employees and residents as they take steps to end homelessness in the first “Rosslyn Walk for the Homeless” to benefit the Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (A-SPAN).
Wilson Joins Easter Seals Board of Directors
Dr. Marta C. Wilson, founder and CEO of Transformation, Inc. has been elected to serve on Easter Seals Greater Washington-Baltimore Region’s board of directors. Wilson makes her homes in both Arlington and Harrisonburg, Va.
Arlington Military Notes: Oct. 24, 2012
military notes

Marymount To Host 16th Annual HalloweenFest
Students turn campus into Halloween wonderland for local children.
Marymount University students are working to make sure some disadvantaged Arlington children have a festive Halloween. Students are turning the school’s dorms into haunted houses and the gymnasium into a carnival site. Marymount’s 16th annual HalloweenFest is set for Friday, Oct. 26.

Going Pink During October
Marymount University hosts “Pink Out” to educate young women about breast cancer.
A corner of Arlington turned pink last week in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Marymount University held the first ever “Pink Out MU” day to promote breast cancer awareness and share information on the disease.
Letter: Not Sign Of Hate
Sandra Corder’s letter ("WMATA profits from hate") is most inaccurate.

Church Hosts Walk for the Homeless
Friends and parishioners of the Church of the Ascension gathered at Lyon Park for the 3rd annual Fall Fest and Walk for the Homeless on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 20.
Arlington Bulletin Board: Oct. 24, 2012
Upcoming events

Spotlight on Domestic Violence
Ongoing effort needed to raise awareness.
Lydia Y. Marlow, a woman whose family has endured 60 years of intergenerational intimate partner violence that included her grandmother, her mother, herself, and her daughter, stepped down from her leadership role in corporate America to develop a call to action for a public awareness strategy.
Be Part of the Children's Connection
Call for student artwork and writing; deadline Dec. 3.
The annual Children's Connection is a tradition of well over a decade, and we begin getting inquiries from teachers and parents about submitting artwork and writing almost as soon as summer is over.
Crime Reports
Arlington crime reports
Brief: School Board Restores Campbell Bus
The Arlington School Board voted Oct. 18 to waive Policy 50-5 Transportation for the remainder of the 2012-13 school year to allow Campbell Elementary School students who were permitted to ride an APS bus last year to receive bus transportation for the 2012-13 school.
Brief: Man Arrested for Throwing Molotov Cocktail
Leon Alphans Traille, Jr., 29, is facing federal arson charges for allegedly throwing a Molotov cocktail into the food court area of the Ballston Common Mall in Arlington.
Monday, October 22
Next Top Author?
Chelsea Hicks Bryan of Arlington, pictured with her husband, ranked 12th this week in the national writing competition America's Next Top Author. With a combination of social media, votes and the jury's discernment, the America's Next Top Author competition compiles nominees, one each week through Nov. 27. Should Bryan get a nomination before Tuesday, Nov. 27, she'll advance to the next round. To read her story, visit Bryan's author page at where readers can vote, tweet, review and share the story.
Friday, October 19

Creating Path to Financial Stability
Advice for developing and strengthening sound money habits.
Money experts say creating sound financial health requires planning and discipline.
Getting That Linen Closet Organized
Changing seasons offer opportunities to sort sheets and towels.
The thought of sorting through piles of pillowcases and hand towels is enough to send some into hibernation until next spring, but fear not. Local organizing experts are here to help.
“Hey Beez; Beez, It’s Me”
It was my father all right – in a dream. Standing five feet away, approximately, in a well-lit, local convenience store with which I am extremely familiar. This was no case of mistaken identity. Besides, he was wearing those blue, terrycloth shorts of his that my mother always hated. So yes, I called out to him, surprised as I was to see him, locally as it were.
Thursday, October 18
Classified Advertising Oct. 17, 2012
Read the latest ads here!
Wednesday, October 17

W-L Girls’ X-Country Places Second at Glory Days Invite
Chantilly’s McGorty, West Springfield’s Alcorta break records.
The Washington-Lee girls' cross country team finished second at the 20th Annual Glory Days Invitational.

Yorktown’s Homecoming Parade
On Oct. 12, students of Yorktown High School celebrated 2012 Homecoming with the annual parade.

Final Rehearsals at Yorktown High School
Drama instructor Carol Cadby and choreographer Ryan Sellars run through scenes with the cast for the upcoming show “Mirrors” at a rehearsal on Monday afternoon, Oct. 15.

Arlington Election Officials Prepare for Record Breaking Number of Absentee Ballots
Last two presidential cycles have seen dramatic spike in absentee voting.
Election officials in Arlington are predicting another record-breaking turnout for absentee ballots, which have been dramatically increasing in recent years.
Tuesday, October 16
Arlington Orange Line: Oct. 17, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
Arlington Food & Drink
Food & Drink
Arlington Calendar: Oct. 17, 2012
Upcoming events and activities in Arlington
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for Oct. 28 - Nov. 3.
Staged Reading
Inspired by the very current War on Women, The Disreputables theater company retaliates against the barrage of attacks on women’s healthcare and rights with an arsenal of new plays in the SLUT Staged Reading Festival.
A Musical Crossroads at Signature Theatre
As part of its continuing commitment to developing new works, Signature Theatre presents a one-weekend-only concert of “Crossing,” a musical by Matt Conner and Grace Barnes. The concert will have four performances, all held on the weekend of Oct. 20-21 in the MAX.
The Rosslyn BID's performance art festival will take place June 6-9, 2013.
“Paintings and Collages”
Marymount’s Barry Gallery will exhibit “Paintings and Collages” by Judy Bass from Oct. 19 through Dec. 6, 2012.
Call for Entries
AAC is pleased to announce two exciting jurors, Melissa Messina, Senior Curator at the Savannah College of Art and Design, and Kathryn Wat, Chief Curator at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, who will select the artwork for INTERWOVEN.
Arlington School Notes: Oct. 17, 2012
School notes

Helping Homeless Veterans’ Children
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 227 members present 34 $50 gift cards for homeless veterans’ children’s school needs to two Northern Virginia Veterans Administration Supportive Housing case managers in August.

Reunion of U.S.A.F. 49th Squadron
The U.S. Air Force 49th Squadron Association convened at the Sheraton National in Arlington Oct. 5-7 for its annual reunion.
Evolent Health at 800 North Glebe
Evolent Health has signed a lease for a nearly 34,000-square-foot headquarters at 800 North Glebe, a JBG Companies’ state-of-the-art, mixed-use building at the corner of Glebe Road and Wilson Boulevard in the Ballston submarket of Arlington.
Walk To Benefit the Homeless
Fall fun events planned at community walk.
Church of the Ascension is leading a Help the Homeless community walk on Saturday, Oct. 20, 3-6 p.m. at Lyon Park, 414 North Fillmore St. to benefit the Arlington-Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless.
Letter: WMATA Profits From Hate
The new Metro ads that call Muslims "savages" and encourage riders to "Support Israel. Defeat Jihad." are not just hateful and discriminatory. They send a message that Muslims are not welcome in the D.C. community.
Arlington Bulletin Board: Oct. 17, 2012
Upcoming events in Arlington
Brief: Sunrise Senior Living Earns Energy Star Certification
Sunrise of Arlington has recently earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star certification.
Brief: Kenmore Middle School Wins the Ritz-Carlton’s U.S. Grand Prize
Kenmore Middle School has been selected as the Ritz-Carlton’s U.S. Grand Prize winner of the 2012 Succeed through Service Student Challenge. The Kenmore Family and Consumer Science program received $5,000.
Brief: Learn How To Help End Homelessness
County Board member Walter Tejada will host a special meeting on ending homelessness on Thursday, Oct. 25, 7-8:30 p.m. at Central Library in Arlington.
Friday, October 12
“Subjectively Speaking”
In my opinion. It’s what I think. It’s what I feel. It’s what I think I feel. It may not be something I know, but it’s certainly something that I hope I know. And if it’s not exactly something that I know, then I hope it’s something I believe.
Wednesday, October 10

O’Connell Boys’ Soccer Scores Season-High 6 Goals
Knights beat Pope John Paul the Great.
The Bishop O'Connell boys' soccer team defeated Pope John Paul the Great, 6-0, on Oct. 4.
Classified Advertising Oct 10, 2012
Read the latest ads here!
Editorial: Cancer Awareness
Success with breast cancer awareness should help other cancers.
October is breast cancer awareness month. Anyone connected to media of any variety already knows this. A massive marketing success, we all know that pink shows support for breast cancer prevention, especially in October.
Orange Line: Oct. 10, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
Arlington School Notes: Oct. 10, 2012
School notes

Bavarian Fun
Oktoberfest in Shirlington brings crowds, culture and craft beer.
The Oktoberfest at Shirlington Village returned for its 13th installment on Saturday, Oct. 6, with lederhosen, dirndls and good cheers for all.

Blessing of the Pets
The blessing of the pets is held annually on a weekend near Oct. 4, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi.
Arlington Business Notes: Oct. 10, 2012
Arlington Business Notes

Freshman Arlington County Board Member Faces Two Opponents in November
Streetcar debate dominates discussion this election cycle.
It’s only been about seven months since voters in Arlington chose longtime School Board member Libby Garvey to fill the unexpired term vacated by Barbara Favola, who was elected to the Virginia state Senate last year.
Tuesday, October 9
Arlington Calendar: Oct. 10, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
“Flourishing After 55”
Upcoming events and activities for seniors
Two Generations of Cajun Dancehall Music at Artisphere
Two generations of Cajun music legends unite when the new group Joel Savoy, Jesse Lége & Cajun Country Revival heat up the ballroom at Artisphere on Wednesday, Oct. 17.

‘Dying City’
Signature debuts Pulitzer-nominated play.
A year after her husband’s death in Iraq, newly-widowed Kelly is confronted by his identical twin brother in “Dying City,” now playing at Signature Theatre in Arlington.
NAACP Chapter To Honor Retired Arlington Educator
Macekura talks about his involvement in integration of county’s public schools.
On Saturday, Oct.13, the Arlington Branch National Association of Colored People (NAACP) will honor former Arlington educator Joseph Macekura at its 66th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet for his work helping to integrate Arlington Public Schools, most notably helping four African-American students enroll in Stratford Junior High School (now known as H-B Woodlawn Secondary School), which made it the first school in Virginia to be integrated.

Foundation Awards $115,000
In recognition of their achievements in school, at home and within their communities, Arlington county residents Stephanie Hitchcock, Erin Gistaro, Adam Miner and Rachel Wimmer were among 26 college students to receive a combined $115,000 in scholarships from Northwest Federal Credit Union Foundation.
Arlington Bulletin Board: Oct. 10, 2012
Upcoming events and activities
IMPACT Day Preps Students for College and Careers
Deloitte LLP, an international firm that provides audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services, celebrated its 13th annual IMPACT Day on June 8.
Friday, October 5
Column: “Less Fluid, Most Nodules Stable, Minimal Growth.”
Given how I feel now, three-plus years later, and considering the results of this most recent scan, the future may simply be what it is: not now, but later. At least, that’s the way I see it, subjectively speaking. (Now whether “subjectively speaking” is just a euphemism for “unrealistic” is likely a topic for a “future” column.)
Thursday, October 4
Classified Advertising Oct. 3, 2012
Read the lastest ads here!
Wednesday, October 3
Editorial: Last Week to Register to Vote
To vote on Election Day, you must be registered at your current address no later than Oct. 15, 2012. Registered voters should have received a new voter card in the mail by now. You can check your registration status online by visiting the State Board of Elections website at There you can also download a voter registration form and mail or fax it to your elections office address.
Armstrong Makes D.C. Debut
Local chef creates menu for National Gallery of Art.
Alexandria Chef Cathal Armstrong debuted his latest signature dishes at the National Gallery of Art's Garden Café Oct. 2 in celebration of the new Masterpieces of American Furniture Exhibit.
Arlington School Notes: Oct. 3, 2012
School notes.
Arlington Orange Line: Oct. 3, 2012
Upcoming event and activities
Arlington Calendar: Oct. 3, 2012
Upcoming events and activities.
Arlington Business Notes: Oct. 3, 2012
Business notes.
Arlington Bulletin Board: Oct. 3, 2012
Upcoming events and activities.
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for Oct. 15-20.

Lift a stein and say “prost” in celebration of fall. Celebrating 20 years of brewing more than 200 different styles of beer, Capitol City Brewing Company will host its 13th annual Mid-Atlantic Oktoberfest Beer Festival at The Village at Shirlington in Arlington on Saturday, Oct. 6 from noon-7 p.m.
Artisphere Celebrates Two Years
Igniting Artisphere’s 2nd Anniversary Weekend with a Brazilian beat, New York City’s quartet Forró In The Dark brings their blend of Brazilian forró, funk and fun to Artisphere on Saturday, Oct. 6.

‘Jekyll and Hyde’
Mills mesmerizes in Synetic masterpiece.
If a picture paints a thousand words, then Alex Mills has crafted a masterpiece with his performance in “Jekyll and Hyde,” playing now at Synetic Theater in Crystal City.

The Bride Wore Spandex
Arlington filmmakers turn family wedding into prize-winning documentary.
From this seedling of a story comes "Married in Spandex," the nearly hour-long documentary from Arlington filmmakers Devin Gallagher and Allison Kole.
International Day of Peace
With a few days of preparation, students from three senior honors theology classes at Bishop O’Connell High School created an outdoor display to recognize the Sep. 21 International Day of Peace.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Clifford, the Big Red Dog, was out on the playground at Patrick Henry Elementary School greeting the children as they arrived for the community reading festival on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 29.
Editorial: Be Prepared: What's on the Ballot?
Early voting (technically voting absentee-in-person) is already underway in Virginia, so you can go out and vote this week.
Brief: Arlington Senior Olympians Awarded
94 Gold, 68 Silver, 41 Bronze.
In the recently concluded Northern Virginia Senior Olympics several long standing records were broken. Participation was the highest in its 30-year history and the highest number of events — 40 — were offered. It was also a bonus year for Arlington which celebrated a 20 percent increase in participation and the largest number of medals awarded. The total medal count was 94 Gold, 68 Silver and 41 Bronze.
Tuesday, October 2

Seniors Reuther, DeGuisto Lead O’Connell Girls’ Soccer
Knights frustrated by draw against Georgetown Visitation.
The Bishop O'Connell girls' soccer team finished in a 1-1 tie with Georgetown Visitation on Sept. 28.