Wednesday, July 31
Although I’ve not seen the current “The Lone Ranger” theatrical release, I am of a certain age and generation who grew up watching – on black and white television with no remote control and only three watchable channels – the original “The Lone Ranger” (starring Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels), along with other weekday-afternoon and Saturday-morning classics like “The Rifleman,” “Roy Rogers,” “Sky King,” “Superman,” “Leave It To Beaver” and “Ozzie and Harriet” – in my house, anyway. And though the “effects” weren’t nearly as “special” as they are in today’s movie/television productions/versions, nevertheless, the effects on me, personally, were far greater. Can you say wholesome goodness? The Golden Rule? Do unto others…
‘Regionality’ of Transportation Projects Questioned
Transportation Authority approves FY2014 Project List.
“Tonight we acted to address one of the greatest threats to our region: Congestion.” So spoke Marty Nohe, chairman of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) and Coles District supervisor for Prince William County. Despite numerous calls to slow down the process by speakers at the public hearing before the Authority, on Wednesday, July 24, the NVTA approved the FY2014 proposed regional multimodal project list as presented and vetted by the NVTA’s Project Implementation Working Group (PIWG) headed by Authority member (and Arlington County Board Member) Christopher Zimmerman.
A Delicate Balance – At Home
How appropriate is it to tell a cancer patient something negative (that he likely doesn’t want to hear) – yet needs to know, and which might ultimately quash his fighting spirit and adversely affect his day – and night? Moreover, would withholding certain discouraging observations intermittently along the cancer-treatment way, in order for said patient to feel good and positive about himself – and better prepare him for any and all news/results which might upset his precariously imperfect life and moreover, likely chip away at his emotional wherewithal as well – cause more harm than 100-percent honesty all the time?
Silence of the Court
Justices deny public access to shield personal conversations.
The Virginia Supreme Court operates in silence, denying public access to audio recordings of its oral arguments. Unlike the U.S. Supreme Court, which denies video recordings but allows audio recordings, the commonwealth's top appeals court has a complete blackout on public access to proceedings. In a written response to questions from Connection Newspapers, the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Virginia Supreme Court explained that audio records were once public, but the installation of new equipment in January 2008 created new concerns for justices.
Keeping Pets Safe
Veterinary experts say common household items can harm animals.
Did you know that a bowl of grapes sitting on your counter can be fatal to your dog or that a bouquet of fragrant lilies could be lethal to a cat? Were you aware that a stick of gum might cause a life-threatening canine emergency? Veterinary experts say that while pet hazards are lurking around almost every home, many pet owners are unaware of them. From favorite foods to over-the-counter-pain relievers, a number of common household items are dangerous to family pets.
The Pampered Pooch
Luxury accessories for well-heeled canines.
Marcia Schwartz strolled through the handbag section at a high-end department store at Tysons Galleria in McLean, Va., her eyes taking in the latest offerings from Prada. The companion at her side was not a personal shopper or a credit card-clad husband, however. It was a snow-white fuzzball with a rhinestone-encrusted collar named Cleopatra. Cleo, as she is most often called, is a Bichon Frisé.
Arlington Calendar
Food Truck Thursdays. In the surface parking lot at the corner of Crystal Drive and 18th Street.
For the Love of Animals
From taking orders in a pizza shop to finding homes for thousands of animals, the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation has a great "tail" to tell.
In 2001, there were too many dogs without homes and too few people to help them.
Arlington Orange Line
Summer Classes Return Registrations now open for children and teen summer classes at the Arlington Arts Center. Join AAC for classes covering all subjects and mediums. This summer will offer classes from previous semesters and new classes like Developing Nature and Drawing, a class for teens rooted in the principals of drawing and AAC's summer exhibition Green Acres. Classes for Children. Through Aug. 23, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-4 p.m., supervised lunch breaks for students in consecutive classes, complimentary aftercare until 5 p.m. for students in 1:30-4 p.m. classes.
Opinion: Enjoy Tax Holiday, Donate School Supplies
Good timing to help those in need.
It is debatable whether recurring tax holidays for different seasonal needs are good policy. But since this weekend is Virginia’s tax holiday on school supplies and clothing, it makes sense to take advantage of the savings, and to spread the wealth around. The savings are more significant this year with the new sales tax increases in effect as of July 1.
Letter to the Editor: Why I Love America.
Last evening, Monday, July 22, I went with our Ugandan guest, Tom Kitandwe Kisolo, to our local McDonald on the corner of George Mason Drive and Wilson Boulevard here in Arlington for a coffee and conversation, and stayed till 11 p.m. I was tired when I came home, went to bed, got up this morning and looked everywhere for my wallet. It was missing. I was sure I had brought it home. After searching everywhere, I decided to pass by the McDonald just to check if anyone had seen it.
Flourishing After 55
Arlington senior centers: Aurora Hills, 735 S. 18th St.; Walter Reed, 2909 S. 16th St.; Culpepper Garden, 4435 N. Pershing Dr.; Langston-Brown, 2121 N. Culpeper St.; Lee, 5722 Lee Hwy.; Arlington Mill at Fairlington, 3308 S. Stafford St.; also Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St.; TJ Comm. Center, 3501 S. 2nd St.
Tuesday, July 30
Classified Advertising July 31, 2013
Read the lastest ads here!
Monday, July 29
Fairfax County Animal Shelter Temporarily Suspends Intake of Dogs
Canine influenza suspected culprit after dozen dogs become ill.
The Fairfax County Animal Shelter has temporarily suspended its intake of dogs, after one dog died of pneumonia and about a dozen more dogs have exhibited symptoms of an unspecified upper respiratory illness.
Thursday, July 25

Silence of the Court: Virginia Supreme Court Denies Access to Audio Recordings
Lack of transparency is explained as effort to shield personal conversations.
The Virginia Supreme Court operates in silence, denying public access to audio recordings of its oral arguments.
Wednesday, July 24
Classified Advertising July 24, 2013
Read the lastest ads here!
Helping Save Lives, One Pet at a Time
Area residents explain their dedication to the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation.
Behind every adoption successfully completed by the Arlington-based Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation, there's a volunteer with a happy heart. There's a small volunteer army across Northern Virginia that turns out every weekend to help cats and dogs find homes, but there's never a shortage of others looking for a safe place to be fed, sheltered and loved.
Joining Together To Save Animals
There are dozens of animal welfare organizations across the country working to secure "forever homes" for dogs and cats of all ages. And while there's a general camaraderie amongst them, stemming from their common cause, what's a little friendly competition among peers? For the past few years, the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has sponsored a nationwide contest to challenge shelters to see how many more animals they could adopt between June and August beyond the total the year before.

TACT Celebrates Traditional and Same-Sex Marriage in 'I Do, I Do'
The times they are a-changin’. When "I Do! I Do!" first opened on Broadway in 1966, the musical by the “Fantasticks” duo Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt was a hit. Based on Jan de Hartog’s popular 1951 play "The Fourposter,” the show chronicles a half-century in the life of a successful marriage.
Orange Line
Performance. Through Wednesday, July 24, the Rosslyn BID provides live music on Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Rosslyn Metro Station. Enjoy a variety of performances during your evening commute from 5-7 p.m.
Arlington Bulletin
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes speakers Mitch Opalski and Carolyn Richar. Visit
Arlington Calendar
Food Truck Thursdays. In the surface parking lot at the corner of Crystal Drive and 18th Street.
Kitty Kraze: ‘Three Name Your Fee’
League seeks adopters and foster volunteers to home cats and kittens.
There are more than 100 cats and kittens currently at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington or in foster care and approximately 200 more are expected to arrive throughout the summer. The adult cat adoption fee is normally $100, but AWLA is extending a special promotion through the end of August — “Three Name Your Fee.” Folks who adopt cats 3 years old and over not only can name their price, but their adoption fee will also include: a certificate for a free exam with a participating veterinarian, spay or neuter surgery, a feline leukemia and feline AIDS test, a distemper vaccination, a personalized I.D. tag, a microchip, an information packet and an emergency sticker.

Keep Pets Safe During Dog Days of Summer
Help pets beat the heat and prevent injury or illness.
The dog days of summer are officially here and while yes, the phrase refers to unbearable hot and humid weather, at the Animal League of Arlington (AWLA) it is an eventful season of responding to pets in peril.
Redding Named Principal of Barrett Elementary
Using a family-focused style, he will lead an ethnically diverse school.
Dan Redding, 42, was named the new principal on July 1 of Barrett Elementary, one of the most diverse schools in North Arlington, originally built in 1939.

Edson Flores Awarded Arlington Rotary Challenge Stipend
Edson Flores, a graduate of the Arlington Mill High School, was awarded a two-year stipend of $10,000 to help with his college expenses by the Arlington Rotary Education Foundation on July 18.
Flourishing After 55
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for Aug. 4-9.

Virginia Chapter Sierra Club Honors Favola and Lopez
For the first time, the Virginia Chapter Sierra Club voted to recognize members of the General Assembly with awards lauding their work in the legislature. The chapter’s legislative committee voted unanimously to honor state Sen. Barbara Favola (D-31) and Del. Alfonso Lopez (D-49) with the Energy Freedom Award to recognize their work on energy policy.

Streetcars on Track in Arlington, Despite Massive Pushback
Arlington strikes new agreement with Fairfax as opposition to streetcars mounts.
A majority of Arlington County Board members describe the new agreement with Fairfax County as a routine matter, just another step in an ongoing process that's already been approved and is moving forward at full speed ahead.
Monday, July 22

Lost Dog: Helping Save Lives, One Pet at a Time
Area residents explain their dedication to the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation.
Behind every adoption successfully completed by the Arlington-based Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation, there's a volunteer with a happy heart.
Friday, July 19

Arlington Real Estate: May 2013 Top Sales
In May 2013, 335 Arlington homes sold between $2,010,000-$120,000.
Arlington Real Estate: May 2013 Top Sales
Thursday, July 18
Arlington Home Sales: June, 2013
In June 2013, 316 Arlington homes sold between $4,500,000-$110,000.
Arlington Home Sales: June, 2013
Editorial: Share Wisdom With Newcomers and Others
The Connection's Newcomers and Community Guide publishes in late August.
Our Insider's Edition Newcomers and Community Guides, will publish the last week of August. What tips do you have for someone getting to know your community? We're hoping to share the places, activities, events, organizations and volunteer opportunities your neighbors might not know about. What great places and activities do you want your new neighbors to know about? Events that should not be missed? Organizations that do a great job? Places to volunteer? Tips for navigating your PTA or your school’s front office? We'd love to have your photos to go along with your suggestions.
Wednesday, July 17

Q and A: Yorktown Graduate Yoest To Pitch at William and Mary
Yoest was National District Pitcher of the Year in 2012, co-Pitcher of the Year in 2013.

Students, Teachers Practice Science
There’s something for everyone at GMU’s VISTA science camp.
The thought of spending a summer immersed in science and math assignments is likely to make many students cringe. However, some Northern Virginia children are embracing the idea with a summer camp filled with projects that run the gamut from baking cookies in a solar oven to building a model roller coaster.
Orange Line Calendar
Orange Lince Calendar

Creating Fresh, Healthy Summer Treats
Local chefs offer recipes for refreshing, healthy snacks to keep kids satisfied during vacation.
Enticing children to forgo strawberry-flavored candy and choose fresh fruit in its natural form can be challenging. After all, lemonade, popsicles and cookies with milk are considered summertime classics.
Flourishing After 55
Arlington senior centers: Aurora Hills, 735 S. 18th St.; Walter Reed, 2909 S. 16th St.; Culpepper Garden, 4435 N. Pershing Dr.; Langston-Brown, 2121 N. Culpeper St.; Lee, 5722 Lee Hwy.; Arlington Mill at Fairlington, 3308 S. Stafford St.; also Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St.; TJ Comm. Center, 3501 S. 2nd St.
In the article, “Smith Named Principal of Drew Elementary” [Arlington Connection, July 10], Drew Model School consists of two programs, both a Montessori program and a regular graded program. Jacqueline Smith is the principal to both and she supports them both.
Arlington Calendar
Food Truck Thursdays. In the surface parking lot at the corner of Crystal Drive and 18th Street.

Colette Bounet Named Principal of Barcroft Elementary
Her diverse background and style bring comparisons to Barack Obama.
Colette Bounet, 42, often receives comparisons to Barack Obama, as the daughter of a white mother from France and a black father from the U.S. Virgin Islands. A single woman, she runs 10-milers, speaks fluent Spanish, French and a local Moroccan dialect, and is a frequent flyer around the world.

From Elle Woods’ Pink to Harvard Crimson
Encore Stage & Studio presents “Legally Blonde The Musical.”
Bubbly and bright Elle Woods never takes “no” for an answer. So when her boyfriend dumps her for someone “serious,” Elle upgrades her signature pink for Harvard crimson. Encore Stage & Studio presents “Legally Blonde The Musical.”
Classified Advertising July 17, 2013
Read the lastest ads here!
Thursday, July 11
Editorial: More Than Disclosure Needed for Virginia
Time for limits on campaign contributions as well.
At least until after November’s election, most candidates in Virginia seem to think that there should be some reform to Virginia’s campaign finance and disclosure rules. At least it seems likely that most will support expanding disclosure rules to require disclosure of gifts to immediate family members as well as candidates/officials.
Wednesday, July 10
Correction: "Apiarists Seek To Expand."
Arlington Bulletin
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes Steve Klemp to discuss “An IQ of 86.” Visit
Arlington Calendar
Food Truck Thursdays. In the surface parking lot at the corner of Crystal Drive and 18th Street.
Orange Line
Performance. Through Wednesday, July 24, the Rosslyn BID provides live music on Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Rosslyn Metro Station. Enjoy a variety of performances during your evening commute from 5-7 p.m.
Flourishing After 55
The Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for July 22-27.
Arlington School Notes
Monica Lozano and Juan Peredo have been named Connect With Kids Champions by The Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth and Families, which acknowledges Arlingtonians who are making a difference in the live of Arlington youth. Lozano, a Minority Achievement Coordinator at Swanson Middle School, and Peredo, the Family Liaison at Yorktown High School were recognized at the June 18 Arlington School Board meeting.
Smith Named Principal of Drew Model School
Jacqueline Smith leads melting pot of school in Montessori training.
The students know her for her engaging smile. And after serving as interim principal for more than a year, Jacqueline Smith, 53, is the new principal of Drew Model School, a Montessori school in South Arlington. It helps that the Arlington View resident speaks fluent Spanish and French. She also has two master’s degrees in curriculum and instruction, and education leadership, with a focus on multicultural bilingual education – a necessity for leading the melting pot that is Drew.
Police Seek Additional Victims
The Arlington County Police Department’s Special Victims Unit has arrested a suspect involved in several peeping tom incidents and police are concerned that there may be additional victims.
Tuesday, July 9

Safeguarding Jewelry During Summer Vacations and Beyond
Experts offer simple safety suggestions for protecting valuables.
Kenzie Campbell left her home recently for a week-long trip to care for her ailing father. While she was away, her Northern Virginia home was burglarized, and in addition to a flat-screen television and an iMac computer, the thieves got away with all of her jewelry.
Ideas For Summer Outdoor Entertaining
Local tastemakers offer design and decorating ideas for alfresco soirees
Summer is a time when many enjoy outdoor gatherings with friends and family. From soirees in small courtyard spaces to poolside barbeques for a crowd, warm weather is often synonymous with alfresco entertaining.
Building Classic Jewelry Wardrobe
Local style experts suggest investing in classic pieces.
From monogrammed pendants to leather wrap bracelets, a dizzying array of jewelry is on the market.
Petersen to Governor: Explain, Deny, Return or Resign
Petersen first Virginia legislator to suggest McDonnell resign over alleged wrongdoing in accepting gifts from prominent donor.
The tipping point for state Sen. J. Chap Petersen (D-34) was the $6,500 Rolex watch.
Monday, July 8

Terry McAulife Launches Healthcare Platform at Inova Alexandria Hospital
Affordable Care Act is a key point of distinction between candidates for governor.
Democratic candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe found himself in the emergency room this week, but it wasn't because of a medical crisis.
Thursday, July 4
Classified Advertising July 3, 2013
Read the latest ads here!
Hybrid Outrage at the Department of Motor Vehicles
Two legislators vow to introduce effort to repeal new tax on hybrid vehicles.
Suzanne Cleary has owned a hybrid vehicle since 2006, making her an early adopter and a proselytizer to her friends and neighbors.
Tuesday, July 2

How Alexandria Stole the National Science Foundation from Arlington
Financial incentives are increasingly being used to attract federal agencies.
Standing outside the National Science Foundation in the heart of Ballston, it's easy to see why Arlington and Alexandria have been fighting over the federal agency.
Column: Been There, Doing That
I.V. chemotherapy, that’s what; and I’m not infusing it for the fun of it, either.
Meatless Diet Could Prolong One’s Life
New study shows vegetarian and vegan diets could lower risk of untimely death
“The number one thing to do is to explore different types of vegetables. Think outside of green beans and corn.” — Bonita Lillie, registered dietician
Love after 50: Baby Boomers Need Romance Too
Couple chronicles their online dating experience in new book.
“Dating in your 60s is a lot different than dating in the 1960s, to be sure. Our message is one of hope and the courage to try one more time. Life is just too short.” — Mindy Mitchell, coauthor of “Lube of Life: A Tribute to Sex, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness in the Boomer Age”
When a Bill Becomes a Law
On July 1, sales taxes go up for Fairfax County residents.
“We needed to at least make it clear that you risk a reckless driving offense if you text and drive.” —Del. David Bulova (D-37)
Don't Be Afraid; Learn About Bees
Number of drones on the increase.
What Do You Know About Bees? How many bees in an ordinary colony (hive)? a) 1000 b) 10,000 c) 60,000 or more 2. Each colony has one queen. What happens if more than one is born? a) All but one is killed b) All but one is driven out c) The first one takes half the colony and relocates 3. The oldest bee ever found (preserved in a drop of amber) lived how many years ago? a) 1,000,000 b) 25,000,000 c) 100,000,000 4. Stingers release venom for a brief time. What to do on being stung? gently back out stinger with a fingernail or credit card apply ice for swelling c) both a and b 90% of bees are workers. Which gender? a) male female Which stinging insect is vegetarian? hornet bee wasp 7. At least how much honey a colony (hive) needs for winter? 10 pounds 60 pounds 100 pounds 8. Honey has flavors depending on the blossoms visited. What do beekeepers do with "bad tasting" honey? throw it out leave it for bees to eat 9. Normal gathering range of a bee? 500 yards one-half mile c) 2 miles (or more) 10. For millennia, honey has been used treating wounds? a) true b) false Answers; 1.c; 2.a; 3.c; 4.c; 5.b; 6.b; 7.b; 8.b; 9.c; 10.a. Grading correct answers: 9-10 = A; 7-8 = "bee"; 5-6 = C. Arlington Adult Education offers a class called "Help the Honeybees!" on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at the Arlington Career Center, in Walter Reed Drive near Columbia Pike. Hours are 7 to 10 p.m. and registration is $5. Beekeepers Association of Northern Virginia has a booth at the 2013 Arlington County Fair to be held in Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 2nd Street, South, Aug. 7 - 11. Bee products are judged at the Fair and many Are offered for sale. All the answers to all the possible questions about bees are found through that association's webpage:
Let the Sparks Fly in the County
It’s not too late to enjoy local 4th of July festivals, parades and fireworks.
So. It’s July 4, 2013. Independence Day. A federal holiday celebrating our freedom from Great Britain. The National Day of the United States. And you have nothing planned.
Arlington People
Arlington People
Arlington Calendar
Arlington Calendar
School Notes
Christopher Crowe, a Yorktown High School graduate, is a member of Stevenson University's 2013 Men's Lacrosse Team. The Stevenson men's lacrosse team advanced to its first national championship game after the No. 4 Mustangs defeated Salisbury University at Mustang Stadium 12-6. Anabel Montano-Vargas was inducted into the Mary Baldwin College chapter of Sigma Beta Delta, chartered in 2009 to encourage and recognize scholarship and achievement among students of business, management, administration, and marketing communication.

Apiarists Seek To Expand
Number of drones on the increase.
The honeybee has been around for 100 million years, a fact proved by the nearly perfect Burmese specimen found encased in amber.
Orange Line Calendar
Orange Line Calendar
Flourishing After 55
Arlington senior centers: Aurora Hills, 735 S. 18th St.; Walter Reed, 2909 S. 16th St.; Culpepper Garden, 4435 N. Pershing Dr.; Langston-Brown, 2121 N. Culpeper St.; Lee, 5722 Lee Hwy.; Arlington Mill at Fairlington, 3308 S. Stafford St.; also Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St.; TJ Comm. Center, 3501 S. 2nd St.
Arlington Bulletin
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club Installation Dinner. Visit
Military Notes
Military Notes
Grant To Funds Recess Program
Arlington Public Schools has received an $18,000 grant to fund Active Recess Programs in coordination with Arlington County and Marymount University.
Monday, July 1
Editorial: HOT-Lanes and No Metro for I-66?
Did you miss the public discussion and input? So did we.
One day when I was stuck in traffic on I-66, I was briefly entertained by the license plate of the vehicle in front of me. "66 SUCKS," it read. No question, commuting on I-66 is a bear.