Wednesday, April 30

Protecting Youths Against Substance Abuse
Panel shares stories and advice.
Fairfax County's Unified Prevention Coalition sponsored a forum on the effects of substance abuse on the county's middle and high school children. The resource fair and panel discussion was led by parents, young adults and professionals from the coalition's PROTECT (Parents Reaching Out To Educate Communities Together) task force. "It's been so long, I'll still be emotional about it," said Greg Lannes about his daughter's heroin overdose in 2008. Alicia Lannes had been 19 when she died and had always been a model student with straight A's. He pointed to the lone framed photo of her on the table and asked the audience, "Does that look like a heroin addict? How did she get to that point?"
Protecting Driver’s License Information Becomes Law
Del. David Bulova’s legislation (House Bill 1072) to protect personal information on driver’s licenses was enacted into law during the reconvened session of the General Assembly on April 23. The new law, which will be effective on July 1, limits the ability of a business to electronically scan the bar code on a driver’s license and then store and use that data. State Sen. David Marsden (D-37) carried the companion legislation (Senate Bill 40), which has also been enacted into law.

County Budget Markup Passes
Three supervisors still oppose the budget.
Fairfax County is another step closer to having an approved budget for the next fiscal year. The Board of Supervisors approved the 2015 budget markup at its April 22 meeting at the county Government Center. Supervisors Linda Smyth (D-Providence), Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) and John Cook (R-Braddock) opposed the markup.
Fairfax County Honors ‘Superheroes’
22nd Annual Fairfax County Service Awards presented.
Maybe they don’t wear capes and flashy uniforms, but local volunteers are superheroes. That was the theme for the 22nd Annual Fairfax County Service Awards, where more than 100 volunteers were recognized for their work with breakfast Friday, April 25, at The Waterford in Springfield. More specifically, this year’s theme was "Ordinary People, Extraordinary Impact," which was reflected in the comic book-inspired table decor and introductions by master of ceremonies Jeff Goldberg, Virginia Bureau Chief for ABC7 and News Channel 8.
Father and Son "Twogether"
As a born, bread and buttered Bostonian (Newton Centre, a suburb, to be specific), one of my enduring and genetic passions has been to live and die (figuratively speaking; this is not a cancer column) for The Boston Red Sox. My father sold concessions at Fenway Park (the stadium home of the Bosox since 1912), during the Depression when he was a little boy (not yet an adolescent even). He was nicknamed "Beezo," (his given name was Benet, although he was always called Barry) so he could gain full acceptance to a local knothole gang. Named after the wooden planks which surrounded the old Braves Field in Boston (a National League team called Boston its home as well back in the day), the kids ("gangs") would stand and peer through the knotholes in the wooden planks which otherwise blocked their view. It was a privilege and an honor for my father to be so connected to the game this way. He grew up loving baseball, and as a parent, he passed his love of the game on to me – and my brother.

Editorial: Trending in the Right Direction
Commitment to ending homelessness shows progress, but more affordable housing is needed.
On one night in late January, local jurisdictions in our area fanned out to count the number of people who were literally homeless. Fairfax County released its numbers last week; Arlington and Alexandria will do so in the near future. In Fairfax County, the commitment in 2010 to end homelessness in 10 years has resulted in significant progress, even in the wake of the great recession. The number of people literally homeless decreased by a third from 2008 to 2014, from 1,835 to 1,225 counted this year. Many non-profit organizations have partnered to prevent homelessness one family or individual at a time for those on the brink and to house chronically homeless individuals. There is so much still to be done.

Arlington Leads State in Energy Efficiency
Short- and long-term benefits seen.
Seven years ago, Arlington County decided to go green and hasn’t looked back. Since the county’s push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, environmental services officials say that Arlington has saved about $800,000 per year on energy and water from energy efficiency upgrades. “Energy is something that we often take for granted,” said John Morrill the county’s Department of Environmental Services energy manager. “But when there’s a power outage or when it’s very, very cold outside, all of a sudden that energy we use and need is vital.”
Connecting Arlington and Las Vegas
Arlington-based Consumer Electronics Association executives spend a week in Las Vegas every January producing the International CES, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies.
Edmond Seizes GOP Nomination for Congress
Former Marine officer to take on winner of Democratic primary.
Even before longtime U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8) announced that he would be retiring earlier this year, former Marine officer Micah Edmond was planning to run for Congress — talking to party leaders and beginning to line up support. After Moran's unexpected decision, though, the race became more competitive.

For Congressional Candidates, No Common Ground on Common Core
Democrats in Virginia's 8th Congressional District divided on national education standards.
Should American schools share national standards? That's a question that divides the 10 Democrats seeking to replace longtime U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8), who is retiring after 24 years in the House of Representatives. During a recent candidates forum, the Democrats were asked if they support the Common Core State Standards Initiative, two candidates said they disagreed and eight candidates said they agreed.
First Annual Springfest Arrives
Capitol City Brewing Company had a new idea inspired by the decade-old Oktoberfest tradition: “Let’s invite about 50 local breweries to a festival welcoming spring.” A funny happened. They all accepted. Thus, 2014 is witness to The First Annual SpringFest in The Village at Shirlington.
Move Me Festival
Music, dance, theater and martial arts troupes entertained and hosted workshops at the 5th Annual Move Me Festival on Saturday afternoon, April 26, in Kenmore Middle School. The festival, organized and produced by Bowen McCauley Dance, was sponsored this year by The JBG Companies, KCI, Servant’s Heart Foundation, Arlington Community Foundation, The Shooshan Company, Washington Forrest Foundation, Dominion Foundation, Kenmore PTA, BB&T, Ballston BID and the Perfect Pointe Dance Studio.
Recycling in Central Arlington
Sunny weather brought community members out to Thomas Jefferson Middle School to kick off the recycling portion of their spring cleaning. The parking lot off Glebe Road had been turned into an efficient slalom course of stations for dropping off of everything from televisions and vacuum cleaners to batteries and motor oil at the semi-annual E-CARE recycling event on Saturday, April 19.
Letter: Distress over LED Streetlights
To the Editor: One could never have imagined that Arlington County would perpetrate such an injustice on its citizenry. Unfortunately, I can find no other way to sum up the county’s force-feeding of LED streetlights to county residents.
Letter: Time To Expand Medicaid Program
I ask lawmakers to consider the facts when deciding the issue of Medicaid Expansion. Opponents claim that the Virginia Medicaid program is fraught with abuse. Yet, according to a 2011 JLARC Report “Mitigating the Risk of Improper Payments in the Virginia Medicaid Program,” recipient and provider fraud totals 0.3 percent, (or roughly $6 million) not the $38 billion that some have tossed about. In fact, Virginia has one of the best managed Medicaid programs in the country.
Friday, April 25
Easter Fun
The Easter Bunny welcomed warmer weather and perfect sunny skies as he greeted the kids at Upton Hill Park in Arlington on Thursday, April 17.
SCAN Honors Stowe
SCAN honored six Northern Virginians with 2014 Allies in Prevention Awards earlier this month. The awards were presented at SCAN's 12th Annual Allies in Prevention Awards Luncheon, with emcee Leon Harris from ABC7 and Keynote Speaker Dr. Terry Morris, the NASA scientist who shared his personal story of experiencing child abuse and the foster care system.
Rehearsing for ‘Shrek - The Musical’
The Washington-Lee High School drama department is in rehearsals for the spring performance of "Shrek - The Musical." Performances will be Thursday, May 1- Saturday, May 3 at 7 p.m., in the school's auditorium.
Thursday, April 24
‘Onward with Erin’
Team seeks to raise funds for National Brain Tumor Society.
Erin Kelly spends her professional life tending to critically ill children as a pediatric nurse on the cardiac intensive care unit at Children’s National Medical Center. What patients and their parents may not know is that she has spent the last three years in her own health battle, one with a stubborn brain tumor. The 26-year-old Arlington resident will be running the National Race for Hope on May 4, a 5K run in Washington D.C. that raises funds the National Brain Tumor Society.

Who is Trailing Don Beyer in Hotly Contested Democratic Primary?
Candidates elbow each other out of the way to secure second place.
Campaign finance documents show that former Lt. Gov. Don Beyer crushed the nine other candidates in the hotly contested Democratic primary.

Alone on the Road: 7 out of 10 Northern Virginia Workers Use Single-Occupancy Vehicles
Study raises concerns about amount of time drivers spend commuting alone.
Despite the decades-long war against the single-occupancy vehicle, seven out of 10 workers in Northern Virginia drive to work alone every workday.
Wednesday, April 23

A Picture Perfect Home
Tips from the pros on boosting a home’s curb appeal.
When Realtors Marsha Schuman and Betsy Schuman Dodek drive up to a home to show it to a prospective buyer, they know that they have only one chance to make a good first impression. Potomac-based Dodek and Schuman of the Schuman Team of Washington Fine Properties say a home’s curb appeal matters. “When we think of curb appeal we think of the lawn and landscaping, front door, windows, roof and how it all looks,” said Dodek.

What to Expect
Real estate experts offer a forecast for spring.
Real estate agent Joan Caton Cromwell says she lost a home bidding war last week in Falls Church even though her client was a strong contestant.

Realtors: Great Kitchens Help Sell Homes
Real estate experts offer tips for creating an appealing kitchen.
Designer Jacquelin Lluy, of Nicely Done Kitchens and Baths in Springfield, recently transformed the kitchen of a home in Mantua, in Fairfax, from a small, dark space to a light-filled, free-flowing culinary oasis.

Spring Songbirds Arriving Now
Local bird groups and bird walks help beginning birders see colorful birds.
The birds are coming. The annual migration of often brightly colored songbirds from their winter homes in Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, and the southern U.S. is underway now. Millions and millions of avian migrants fly northward every night and the come down to rest or nest every morning. Some of the birds are enroute to nesting areas far to the north; some nest right here or nearby.

Region Sees Lowest Number of TB Cases in Decades
Outreach efforts get people in for tuberculosis treatment before it spreads.
When Dr. Barbara Andrino came to the Fairfax County Health Department in 2011, there were 137 cases of tuberculosis in Northern Virginia.
Tuesday, April 22
Where Am I?
"I’m sitting in the rocking chair, good buddy," (a "Smokey and The Bandit" reference, if you’re not of a certain vintage), between two 18-wheelers where the police radar can’t find me – further referencing the C.B. radio days. Updating to the "Kenny-with-cancer" days, I’m a month or so past my last very encouraging CT Scan, the one I wrote about when my oncologist offered me a congratulatory handshake, a gesture he had not made in the five-plus years since we’ve been tangling with this damn disease; and I’m approximately seven weeks away from my next CT scan, "intervaled" every three months at present. Seven weeks is far enough away where I’m not even thinking about it, or the possibility of its discouraging results that I’ll know about on or about June 9th. I am cruising, emotionally, and savoring the excellent results from the last scan and not yet worrying, wondering, hoping, praying (too much) about my next scan. This means, at the moment – or moments, I should say, I am enjoying a relatively stress-free and blissful ignorance to what may – or hopefully may not, be happening in my lungs. I am, to quote a Three Stooges line: "as safe as in my mother’s arms."
Entrants Sought for Anti-Alcohol Awards
A Vienna-based, alcohol-education group wants to honor local, high school groups for their efforts in fighting underage drinking. To recognize high-school students for "doing the right thing," the nonprofit Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) will present its 2014 GEICO Student Awards at a May 16 ceremony in Washington, D.C., and is accepting applications for the honors through Monday, April 28, at Entry is free.
Editorial: Past Time for Later Start Times
Teenagers are sleep deprived, and sleep deprivation takes a significant toll on safety, health and learning. We’ve known this for decades. But for decades, literally, Fairfax County Public Schools (and Montgomery County, Md.) have let a combination of reactionary blabber ("buck up and get moving;" "just tell them to go to bed earlier") and organizational resistance prevent implementing a solution to this very real problem. Getting up at 5:30 or 6 a.m. to hop on a school bus at 5:45 a.m. or even as late at 6:30 a.m. to get to school by 7:20 a.m. is not healthy for teenagers. It is nearly impossible for teenagers to go to sleep before 11 p.m. or midnight. Fairfax County high school students average six hours of sleep a night on weeknights. Research shows they need nine hours of sleep. Research has also quantified the costs of sleep deprivation.
Friday, April 18
Classified Advertising April 23, 2014
Read the latest ads here!
Commentary: Dean Supports Beyer
I’ve always stood for the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. When I started my presidential campaign in 2003, I was against the Iraq War, and had worked hard as Governor of Vermont to create marriage equality and universal health care in my home state. Those positions weren’t totally popular at the time. But I believe candidates should pay attention not only to their prospective constituents, but also to their internal compass.
Thursday, April 17
Classified Advertising April 16, 2014
Read the latest ads here!
Arlington Home Sales: March, 2014
In March 2014, 177 Arlington homes sold between $2,130,000-$133,000.
Arlington Home Sales: March, 2014

Tax Burden Targets Low-Income Workers in Northern Virginia
Average tax burden for low-income workers is highest in Arlington, Alexandria and Fairfax.
Families that are struggling to make ends meet in Northern Virginia are the target of local governments in Northern Virginia, which has the highest tax burden in the region for low-income workers. Wealthy people face the highest tax burden in Prince George's County and Montgomery County. But here in Virginia, poor people face the biggest tax burden in Arlington, according to a new study by the Office of Revenue Analysis in the District of Columbia. Alexandria ranked second, and Fairfax County ranked third.

Beyer Rakes in Campaign Cash in Democratic Primary
Fundraising numbers reveal former lieutenant governor has significant edge.
Campaign finance documents released this week show Don Beyer well ahead of his competitors in the race for cash, giving the former lieutenant governor a significant edge over the nine other Democrats in the race to replace U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8).
Wednesday, April 16
Editorial: Celebrate Earth Day
Get outside with your family, participate in group activities, or just walk in your favorite park.
Earth Day is April 22, observed April 19-27 and beyond. Fairfax County offers many useful and educational ways to enjoy the day. Don’t miss the chance to get outside, observe the developing spring weather, flora and fauna. Here are some of the opportunities:
Challenging A Child’s Mind
Experts say reading is critical to cognitive and emotional development.
Arlington mother Holly Karapetkova reserves time for reading in the schedules of her two young children. It has become such an important part of their daily routine that it is a treasured family activity. It is also vital to her children’s development says Karapetkova.
Dying of Curiosity
As I was completing last week’s column ("I Thought I Was a Goner") and thanking my oncology nurse, Ron, in the process, for the excellent care he has provided me for nearly five years now; a week after I wrote a column thanking my Certified Holistic Health Coach, Rebecca Nenner, for the health and fitness-type knowledge she has given me over those same five years; it dawned on me that perhaps my subconscious mind knew something that my conscious mind didn’t: that I should move closer to the undertaker like Radar’s Uncle Ernest did two days before he died, in the M*A*S*H episode titled "Novacaine Mutiny" from season four.
VHC Tech Charged with Raping Patient
The Arlington Police Department is charging a 30-year-old a former hospital technician at Virginia Hospital Center with raping a 37-year-old patient. Police officials say the man was working as a CT scan technician when the alleged attack occurred on Jan. 13.
Saturday, April 12
Herbert's Blast Lifts W-L Baseball Past Yorktown
Generals manage just two hits off Yorktown's Fineman.
Washington-Lee improved to 5-1 with Friday's victory.
Thursday, April 10
Classified Advertising April 9, 2014
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Dedicated Debate Over Streetcars Along Columbia PIke
Streetcar critics not swayed by county study showing benefits of streetcars.
The ongoing saga of the Columbia Pike streetcar gained yet another study last month, but critics say the latest investigation failed to address their concerns.
Wednesday, April 9
SYA Honors Its Volunteers
The Southwestern Youth Association held its annual Volunteer Awards casino night on Saturday, March 22 at the Fairfax Marriott Hotel at Fair Oaks.

Crystal Run 5K Fridays Return
More than 1,100 runners completed the 5K course in Crystal City on Friday evening, April 4. The evening race series, sponsored by the Crystal City BID and Pacers Running Stores, started last week and continues through the month of April.

DeMarini Stars Prime Win TP Tournament
Demarini Stars 13u Prime team won the area TP Tournament the weekend of March 22, winning four straight games for the championship.

TAP Presents ‘The Most Happy Fella’
The Arlington Players (TAP) is presenting a classic of the American musical stage, “The Most Happy Fella” now through April 19. The operatic play is about a romance between an Italian immigrant older man and younger woman in the Napa Valley, and is from the book, music and lyrics by Frank Loesser, who is famous for creating “Guys and Dolls.” He also created “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” But this show was based on “They Knew What They Wanted” by Sidney Howard.
Connection Papers Win Awards
Reporting, photography, design and editorial cartoons commended at annual Virginia Press Association meeting.
"Great work exposing serious challenges and obstacles in the way of the public's access to public information. The articles are well written and well researched, providing concrete and compelling examples of the flaws in the systems." That was what the judge said when awarding first place for In-depth or investigative reporting to Michael Lee Pope in the Arlington Connection. The Virginia Press Association announced its press awards for 2013 at the annual meeting on Saturday, April 5, in Richmond.
"I Thought You Were a Goner"
So has said my longtime oncology nurse, Ron, who has tended to me since June, 2009. Originally, I had been assigned to a different oncology nurse, Holly, with whom I developed an immediate rapport. She cared for me from the beginning, early March 2009, when I began my every-three-week chemotherapy infusion through June, when she transferred from the Infusion Center to a different unit (oncology does take a toll). Initially, after Holly’s departure, Jane, another nurse in the unit, took me on as a patient. However, and this is where the details get sketchy, within a subsequent infusion or two, I was told one day upon my arrival at the Infusion Center, that Ron, still another oncology nurse, who I had certainly seen there previously but with whom I had minimal interaction, would be taking over for Jane – who was not transferring out – and henceforth would be my new oncology nurse. Apparently, I had been traded. For another patient? For future considerations? For a lunch-to-be-paid later? To this day, nearly five years later, I’ve never been able to uncover the truth. I got along fine with Jane; I’m a very low-maintenance patient/ person; I don’t think I did anything to precipitate such a decision. Nevertheless, a deal (my word) had been struck.

Clean for Spring
Local organization experts offer tips to help with spring cleaning.
Betsy Fein found herself in the middle of a spring fling in Fairfax recently. She wasn’t at a festival or involved in a new romance, but in the midst of organizing a cluttered bedroom that was littered with piles of shirts, pants, shoes and books. Spring often means renewal and local organizers like Fein are offering suggestions for clearing out winter clutter. From closets that are overstuffed with wool sweaters and down coats to kitchen drawers overflowing with batteries and appliance manuals, they offer suggestions for getting organized without getting overwhelmed.
Living Legends: A Head for Numbers, a Heart for People
For Richard Allyn “Rick” Glassco, volunteering started early.
Richard Glassco has been the treasurer for ALIVE! (Alexandrians InVolved Ecumenically!) for 23 years. During that time ALIVE!, which was founded in 1969, has grown from an all-volunteer organization to one with volunteers from about 40 faith communities, a $1.3 million budget and about 14 employees.
Ball-Sellers House Opens for the Season
Twenty-five years or so before the Revolutionary War began, an English immigrant homesteaded in what is now Arlington’s Glen Carlin community. His name was John Ball and the small cabin he built, to house the family of wife Elizabeth and their five daughters, still stands.

Local Designer Honored
Alexandria tastemaker blends a variety of styles.
Old Town Alexandra-based interior designer Anna Kucera has a knack for helping her clients turn their fanciful ideas in to concrete realities.
Fairfax Arts Programs Receive Federal Grants
Seven local organizations involved in the arts and literature are receiving a total of $230,000 in federal grants from the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA), U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11) said.

‘Victims’ Rights Are a Necessity’
Honoring crime victims with walk, words and candlelight vigil.
Siobhan Russell was just 19 when her ex-boyfriend killed her. Ron Kirby, a noted regional transportation planner, was murdered in his Alexandria home in November by an unknown assailant.
Their Last Act
Where can one find Malala Yousafzai, Blanche DuBois, Philip Wang, HUCCI and Dolly Parton on the same stage? They are all characters in Yorktown High School’s One-Person Shows, to be presented at Yorktown High School’s Black Box Theatre, on Thursday, April 24, from 6-9 p.m., Friday, April 25, from 4-9 p.m. and Saturday, April 26, from 1-10 p.m. Admission is free. The One-Person Shows are 30-minute productions written, staged, and acted by the senior Yorktown theatre students. The productions are a culminating project in the Yorktown Theatre Arts Program, requiring self-reflection, research, writing and rehearsal.
Obituary: Mary Jacobs
Mary Alva McNey Jacobs, of Boynton Beach, Fla., formerly of Alexandria and Washington, D.C. died March 16, 2014. She was preceded in death by her husband of more than 70 years, David Edward Jacobs, Jr. She was the devoted mother of one daughter, Barbara. Alva was born in Washington, D.C. on July 2, 1923 to Mary Irene Bartels and Walter Alexander McNey. She attended Roosevelt High School in Washington, D.C. graduating in 1941.
Tuesday, April 8

Yorktown Boys’ Soccer Overcomes Letdown to Improve to 5-1
Patriots follow victory over Oakton by beating Robinson.
The Yorktown boys' soccer team lost a 3-0 lead against Robinson but did not lose the game.
Friday, April 4

Winning National Art Awards
Local student artists triumph.
March 2014 will be remembered by many for its late winter storms. In Arlington, that memory will be overshadowed by the successes of local high school students at the highest rungs in the National Scholastics Art Competition.
Countering Identity Theft
Records-destruction event also fulfills environmental goals.
Page-by-page quickly became ton-by-ton at the annual Community Shred Event last month on the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College.
Helping Ex-Offenders
Volunteers support Offender Aid and Restoration.
Consider the plight of men and women released from Virginia prisons. They have satisfied their so-called debt to society. A vast majority of them are without family, without friends, without any money and no chance for jobs.
Thursday, April 3
Classified Advertising April 2, 2014
Read the latest ads here!
Northern Virginia Senior Olympics Mission: Living Healthy Longer
The 2014 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics will take place Sept. 13-24 at 18 venues throughout Northern Virginia. Adults 50 years of age and over who live in one of the sponsoring jurisdictions are eligible to participate.
John Marshall Bank Hires Kerry Donley
Kerry Donley has joined John Marshall Bank’s team of banking leaders. Donley, senior vice resident, will be based in John Marshall Bank’s Alexandria office.
Wednesday, April 2

Compete for Garden of the Year
The Rock Spring Garden Club is holding its fifth annual Garden of the Year competition this spring for Arlington County residents. For the first time, fruit and vegetable gardens are eligible for the competition, in addition to or in combination with flower gardens.
Marymount Students Create Redskins Apparel for Women Fans
When women fans of the Washington Redskins want to show their support for the team, they have had few fashion-forward options in team apparel.
Pig-and-Oyster Roast To Benefit Doorways for Women and Families
Rocklands Barbeque and Grilling Company in Arlington will kick off the patio season with a special evening of food and drink to benefit Doorways for Women and Families on Thursday, April 17, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Meetings To Review Legislative Actions
On April 3, I will be hosting my first of three Post-Session Legislative Wrap Ups.
Special Election Next Tuesday
A special election to fill the County Board seat vacated by Chris Zimmerman — his unexpired term will end Dec. 31, 2014 — will be held Tuesday, April 8.
Fire Victims Identified
The victims of the March 15 fire on South Langley Street have been identified by the medical examiner.
Letter: Planned Parenthood Should Be Funded
To the Editor

County Honors Its Heroes
Chamber of Commerce hosts annual Valor Awards.
The 36th annual Valor Awards, honoring public safety heroes, was presented by the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner on Monday, March 31.

Keeping up with Neal Gillen
Potomac attorney, open-water swimmer doesn’t slow down.
The fog was thick in San Francisco as waves crashed against the rocks in the Pacific Ocean. It was a cold morning and 73-year-old Neal Gillen found himself fighting against the current, gulps of salt water burning his mouth. Far from his Potomac home, he was heading for Alcatraz.

Seniors Rush to Yoga
Yoga teachers, research point to health benefits for seniors.
Shortly after 10 a.m. on any given Tuesday or Thursday morning, 84-year-old Lola Wulchin can be found slowly stretching into a downward facing dog pose or lunging into a warrior one posture. The Vienna resident has been a yoga devotee at East Meets West Yoga Center in Vienna for slightly more than two years. In fact, she credits twice-weekly, gentle yoga practice with boosting her health and improving her quality of life. "I had been bothered by a lot of neck pain from arthritis," said Wulchin. "I had seen a pain management doctor who gave me shots, I had physical therapy, but I still had neck pain and very little range of motion."
Commentary: Focusing on Children with Autism
We recognize this Wednesday, April 2, as World Autism Day, taking a moment to raise awareness around the fastest growing developmental disability in the U.S. Autism incidence in the U.S., and in Northern Virginia in particular, is reaching astounding levels.
How to Age in Place Safely
Local experts suggest techniques and programs that can help seniors stay in their homes longer.
The AARP reports that nearly 80 percent of adults age 65 and older want to remain in their current homes as long as possible. That population is growing. According to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Aging, the population 65 years or older numbered 39.6 million in 2009. By 2030, that number will grow to about 72.1 million. While people are living longer and healthier lives, there are still barriers to aging in place, including medication management, self-care, socialization and transportation. But there are innovative strategies and initiatives to help combat these roadblocks.
2014 Generation-to-Generation Gala
Senior Services of Alexandria hosted their annual Generation-to-Generation Gala last Saturday evening at the Mark Hilton in Alexandria. The 2014 honorees were Patty Moran and her daughter Kate along with Lonnie Rich and Marcia Call and their daughter Sara Rich.

Accessibility on a Different Level
New lower-level in-law suite becomes primary living space.
How can you tell when in an-law suite is outperforming the usual requirements? Well, for starters, when the owners themselves decide to occupy the new accommodation as their primary living space.
‘Camp David’ at Arena Stage
World premiere explores 13-day peace process orchestrated by President Jimmy Carter.
Arena Stage is presenting the world premiere historical drama “Camp David,” the story of how President Jimmy Carter, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat came together to forge a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
Tuesday, April 1
Fairfax County Senior Centers
Senior Centers for Active Adults offer opportunities to make friends, stay on the move, and learn new things. Fairfax County residents age 55 and older may join any of the 13 senior centers sponsored by the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Senior centers offer classes, health and wellness programs, computer and internet access, trips and tours, and opportunities to socialize with others and stay connected with your community. There is an annual membership fee of $48 for attending the senior centers. Visit for more.
Boomers Find Answer to Fitness at Senior Centers
Business is booming at Arlington’s six senior centers as more and more 55+ residents register with the Office of Senior Adult Programs and find a wide array of fitness programs available. Several community centers also offer strength training and weight rooms for 55+ only and sports such as pickleball, volleyball and women’s basketball. Ice skating, table tennis, tennis, golf, cycling and line dancing are also offered.
Register with Arlington’s OSAP ASAP
Arlington County’s Office of Senior Adult Programs (OSAP), a unit of the Deptartment of Parks and Recreation, coordinates activities and programs at the County’s six senior centers and several community centers. It also administers a popular 55+ Travel Program. Arlington residents 55 years of age and older can register for a 55+ Pass with the Office of Senior Adult Programs which gives them access to programs at all of the centers plus free access to exercise facilities from 6:25 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center and Barcroft Sports and Fitness Center. They will also receive a bi-monthly, 36-page magazine (55+ Guide) and be eligible to participate in the travel program. The cost is $20 annually.
Thanks, Coach…
…my Certified Holistic Health Coach, Rebecca Nenner, that is. (Visit for information leading to a healthier lifestyle.) More than a coach, Rebecca is my friend – and has been for many years. A former co-worker at the Connection Newspapers, Rebecca is as passionate about health and fitness as I am about the Boston Red Sox. She has been my guiding hand now for over five years, most especially when I was first diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer back in February, 2009. Although there are no whistles involved in her coaching, there are phone calls, e-mails, YouTube videos, Webinars and miscellaneous other advisories regularly landing in my in box. To say Rebecca has saved my life might be an overstatement, given that I am being treated by an oncologist; however, she has given me an alternate perspective on what I can do to help my body survive my treatment and live like I have a present and a future, a gift if ever there was one.