Wednesday, October 29

Board Approves Bicycle Master Plan
The Fairfax County Government Center has several massive parking lots. Many hundreds of spaces. But Bruce Wright and members of the Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling only needed some rack real estate in front of the building. They rode into the afternoon session of the Board of Supervisors on two wheels apiece from Reston, taking the West Ox Road Side Path.

Stage Presence
Cappies recognized among arts leaders at Arts Council awards.
After Bill Strauss first approached Judy Bowns about creating a student-driven arts awards and journalism organization 16 years ago, the ensuing creative partnership resembled a pair of cartoon characters.
Bonds on the Ballot
Arlington puts $200 million in bonds to a public vote.
This year, Arlington is putting the fate of $219 million in the hands of its citizens. On the Nov. 4 ballot, residents will have a chance to vote on four major bonds.

Signature Stages ‘Elmer Gantry’
Musical about charismatic preacher/salesman plays through Nov. 9.
Signature Theatre in Arlington is staging the musical, “Elmer Gantry,” through Nov. 9.
Q&A: RB Young Helps Wakefield to First Winning Season Since 1983
Junior has rushed for more than 1,000 yards in eight games.
Wakefield junior running back Leon Young has rushed for more than 1,000 yards this season.

‘Property Genealogy’
Researching the life of a house.
When “a house” becomes “my home” it assumes a unique identity. According to George Combs, manager, Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Public Library, that transformation explains the steady stream of visitors, be they “retirees with time on their hands or new homeowners once they have settled in,” seeking what Combs calls “property genealogy.”
Supporting Streetcar
The following open letter was addressed to Aubrey L. Layne, Jr. Secretary of Transportation Commonwealth of Virginia.
As members of the Arlington County General Assembly delegation, we strongly support the Commonwealth of Virginia’s commitment to provide funding for the regional streetcar system that the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has included in its six-year improvement program.
Paying It Forward
I wanted to extend a big thank you to all the folks in Arlington who take the time, effort, and expense to decorate their homes for Halloween and who pass out candy to eager trick-or-treaters.

Arlington Strong
Wardian leads local runners in 39th Marine Corps Marathon.
It’s been a busy month for Michael Wardian. The 40-year-old Arlington resident took to the starting line of the 39th Marine Corps Marathon to run his third marathon in 21 days with a 50-mile race added to the mix.
‘Flourishing After 55’
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Nov.10-15.
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Nov.10-15.
Column: The Real Cancer Heroes
"I didn’t have a choice.” Nine years later, after three surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation, my wife and I are still having the same conversation.
Running Out of Efficacy
Not that I’m the least bit worried (actually, I’m the most bit worried), but surviving a terminal cancer diagnosis years beyond one’s original prognosis does present its own unique set of problems. Most notably, and most personally for me, they concern treatment options. Specifically, what drugs, targeted or otherwise, can be infused and/or swallowed (when in pill form, like Tarceva) and for how long, when signs of internal organ damage are indicated on regular lab tests?
Column: Running Out of Efficacy
Not that I’m the least bit worried (actually, I’m the most bit worried), but surviving a terminal cancer diagnosis years beyond one’s original prognosis does present its own unique set of problems.
Editorial: Change for the Better in Fairfax County Schools
Later start times, full-day Mondays; who knows, next maybe gifted-and-talented programs for poor students?
Who says big bureaucracies can’t make big changes? One year into the tenure of Karen Garza, we have two huge changes that between them impact almost every single student, every family with children in Fairfax County Public Schools.

Local Foundation Promotes Campus Safety
The VTV Family Outreach Foundation, a Centreville-based national non-profit campus safety advocacy organization, held their 2014 annual meeting last weekend at the Sheraton Reston Hotel. VTV was formed by the families of victims and survivors of the April 16, 2007 mass shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech.
Monday, October 27
Opinion: Vote ‘Yes’ on Transportation Bond
When you enter the voting booth on Nov. 4, you’ll be asked to vote Yes or No on a $100 million Fairfax County transportation bond. (Bonds are a form of long-term borrowing to finance public facilities and infrastructure and spread the costs over a long time frame. Virginia law requires that general obligation bonds be approved by voters in a referendum.)
Thursday, October 23

Connect Four
Complete ballot of 11th District candidates faced off in Lake Ridge.
It wasn’t so much a down and dirty debate as a no-frills four-way question-and-answer session. Not that AARP and the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area (LWVFA), two of the sponsors of the “Meet the Candidates” series billed the Oct. 14 event as such. Tuesday’s meeting was the penultimate of seven events in the series.
Wednesday, October 22

Wakefield Football Earning Respect
Yorktown coach Hanson, players praise Warriors.
The Wakefield football program, which hasn't produced a winning season wince 1983, is 5-2 this season.
Column: Self-Indulgent or Self-Effacing
After re-reading last week’s column: “Not in the Mood,” I began wondering if that column had strayed beyond the boundaries, so to speak, and was too much about me and not enough about my circumstances.
Self-Indulgent or Self-Effacing
After re-reading last week’s column: “Not in the Mood,” I began wondering if that column had strayed beyond the boundaries, so to speak, and was too much about me and not enough about my circumstances. Certainly I understand, given my column’s recurring theme, that the subjects of me and my circumstances – and the personal stories I share with you regular readers – are basically the same. Still, I never want the content to be considered important because it’s MY life that’s being profiled. Quite the contrary. If the columns were any more about me, you wouldn’t be interested.
Tuesday, October 21
Vihstadt Fights To Keep Seat
Incumbent John Vihstadt fights to keep seat and kick out the streetcar.
After 15 years of a Democratic-controlled County Board in Arlington, John Vihstadt, an Independent, has been throwing a few wrenches into the board’s plans.

Facing Off in County Board Rematch
Democrat Alan Howze campaigning for comeback victory.
Things did not go well in Alan Howze in the previous election.

Senior Olympics Takes Spotlight
Hundreds participate for Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Whack! Smack! These were the constant sounds going back and forth during the pickleball finals at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center in Arlington.
Foundation Honors Reinsch
The Arlington Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees recently selected Lola C. Reinsch as the recipient of the 2014 William T. Newman, Jr. Spirit of Community Award.

Supporting Susan’s Place
More than 40 volunteers from Navy Federal Credit Union gathered at 6:30 a.m. on a chilly Saturday morning, Oct. 4, at the Susan’s Place Program operated by New Hope Housing in Arlington County.

Yorktown Presents ‘The Long View’
On a seemingly ordinary day, a fight occurs at a high school when Travis, a bully, confronts his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend, Nate.
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Nov. 1-8.
Culinary Goal
In an era of “Top Chef” and other popular televised cooking competitions, it is hard to imagine a more grueling test than those on TV, dramatized with musical scores and commercial breaks.
Friday, October 17
Arlington Home Sales: September, 2014
In September 2014, 229 Arlington homes sold between $2,183,767-$63,000.
Arlington Home Sales: September, 2014
Thursday, October 16
Sarvis: Warner-Gillespie Debate ‘Disappointing’
Libertarian candidate says chamber’s decision to include only major-party candidates in U.S. Senate debate a “disservice” to voters.
After a full day of campaigning at Fort Belvoir on Friday, Oct. 11, Robert Sarvis talked about his campaign for U.S. Senate, and his disappointment in not being invited to participate in Tuesday’s U.S. Senate Debate — a major televised debate hosted by The Fairfax Chamber at Capitol One’s convention center in McLean. “The Fairfax Chamber informed us that it was nothing other than ‘tradition’ to only invite major party candidates,” Sarvis said. “But this was after we formally requested an invitation, noted that over 145,000 Virginians voted for Robert Sarvis for governor in 2013, and sent them a petition signed by over 1,000 Virginians in support of a three-candidate debate.”

Warner, Gillespie Clash in U.S. Senate Debate
Stark distinctions on same-sex marriage, immigration, abortion and healthcare.
In front of an audience of Northern Virginia business leaders, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) and Republican challenger Ed Gillespie honed their attacks on each other during a sharp, wide-ranging debate Tuesday evening, Oct. 7.

Getting Children Excited for Halloween
Local experts offer advice for keeping trick-or-treating fun, not scary, for small children.
For many children, Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. From Power Rangers and athletes to princesses and pirates, dressing up in their spookiest or most imaginative attire and trolling the streets in search of treats is a major part of the fun for school-age children. For younger children, however, the ghosts and goblins who are meant to entertain can cause too much of a fright.

The Private School Admissions Process
Local educators offer insider tips on how to select and get a child admitted to the perfect school.
While this school year might still feel new, some parents are already thinking next fall. Or if they’re not, they should be. For parents who are considering sending their children to one of the area’s private schools for the 2015-2016 school year, the application process should be underway.
Not in the Mood
Sometimes, believe it or not, I’m not in the mood to be a terminal cancer patient (duh). Not that the effect is particularly tangible, but the weight of it, as well as the associated waits I’ve occasionally written about, can get awfully heavy. Moreover, in spite of my best psychological efforts, generally speaking, there seems little I can do to diminish its effect. More often than not, it’s merely time; simply time passing and/or time spent trying to talk myself out-of how I feel and in-to how I haven’t failed.
Editorial: Coming - Children’s Connection
During the last week of each year, The Connection devotes its entire issue to the creativity of local students and children. The results are always remarkable. It is a keepsake edition for many families.
Wednesday, October 15
An Economic Debate
8th Congressional District candidates differ over priorities.
Congressional candidates Don Beyer and Micah Edmond squared off last week at a forum in what could rank as one of the election season’s tamest political debates.
Waging Upstream Battle Against Mainstream Parties
Taking a Chance on an Independent.
John Saylor says with pride that he was Gwendolyn Beck’s friend long before he became her campaign manager. Like most friends in the Washington area, he’d talk politics with Beck.

Synetic Stages ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’
Brings “human beast” hybrids to life from 1896 novel by H.G. Wells.
Synetic Theatre in Crystal City will open its 2014-2015 season with "The Island of Dr. Moreau" Oct. 2 through Nov. 1.
Column: Not in the Mood
Sometimes, believe it or not, I’m not in the mood to be a terminal cancer patient (duh). Not that the effect is particularly tangible, but the weight of it, as well as the associated waits I’ve occasionally written about, can get awfully heavy.
Carson Runs as Libertarian
Jeffrey Carson, the 8th district’s Libertarian candidate, has an unconventional campaign.
Following Don Beyer’s Political Journey
Don Beyer likes climbing mountains. One of his two current dreams is to climb a via feratta, one of the climbing routes along the alps. Beyer has a certain fascination with the Eiger, or “The North Wall.” For Beyer, the appeal is in the challenge.
Micah Edmond Walking the District
On the campaign trail with Edmond.
Micah Edmond’s 8th District Congressional campaign has a problem.
40 Under 40 Honorees
Leadership Arlington has named the inaugural honorees for its regional 40 Under 40 event.
“Flourishing After 55”
Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Oct. 26-Nov. 1.
Exceptional Schools Fair
Event provides information for parents of special needs children.
Parents of special needs children will have a forum to learn about educational opportunities available to them in the Washington, D.C. area next month.

APAH Celebrates 25 Years in Affordable Housing
The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) honored retired state Sen. Mary Margaret Whipple and Brian P. Coulter, managing partner, and The JBG Companies, at its 25th anniversary annual fundraiser at the Clarendon Ballroom on Oct. 8.
Friday, October 10
Bio and Q&A with Gerry Connolly
Q: What do you think are your top three accomplishments in office? A: * The Silver Line. I wasn’t alone, but I'm very proud of my championship of the Silver Line and the fact that it's up and running and succeeding. It took 19 years to sort of get people to reimagine it and get it built. It was a long, tough struggle.
Wednesday, October 8
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Oct. 20-25.
Crime Report
The following incidents were reported by the Arlington County Police Department.
Favola’s Work Against Domestic Violence Honored
State Sen. Barbara Favola (D-31) was honored Monday, Oct. 6, by the Fairfax County Domestic Violence Community with its Legislator Award of Excellence for her work regarding domestic violence and support for women, children and families.
Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations.
Dear Chairman and Board Members: The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations (the Federation) appreciates the many years of support that the Board of Supervisors (BOS) has provided to the Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL). Recently, the FCPL introduced new policies that the Federation decided to examine.

Focus on Transportation
Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance presents regional priorities at 10th annual event.
“What You Need to Know about Transportation in Five Minutes or Less” was the working title of this year’s Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance (NVTA) seminar and reception held on Sept. 30 at Capital One’s auditorium in McLean.
Column: Week Of, Weak On, Week Off
This column completes the three-week arc which describes what I have endured mostly successfully for approximately five years now: chemotherapy every three weeks – with one year off for good behavior (not really good behavior; the year off was to switch to a twice-daily pill, Tarceva, to be taken at home, since the previous treatment was no longer stemming the tide). It’s been my experience that these anti-cancer drugs don’t exactly work forever.
Wednesday, October 1
New Voter Identification Requirements
There are new requirements for voter identification that voters must bring with them to the polling place.
Chamber Supports Bond Referendum
The Arlington Chamber of Commerce's board of directors on Sept. 25 voted to support the transportation/Metro and school bonds on the Arlington ballot in November.
Reconstruction of Boulevard Interchanges Complete
The Virginia Department of Transportation and Arlington County have completed reconstruction of two 1950s-era interchanges along Route 50 at 10th Street and Courthouse Road.
Voting Early
Virtually every voter in Virginia is eligible to vote absentee, which includes voting in-person absentee at a variety of locations between Sept. 19 and Nov. 1.
53 Join Leadership Arlington’s Class of 2015
The members of Leadership Arlington’s Signature Program Class of 2015 met for the first time at the opening retreat held on Sept. 1819 at the Deloitte Arlington Office.
County Board Approves Neighborhood Conservation Funding
The Arlington County Board unanimously approved more than $2.5 million in funding for four Neighborhood Conservation projects on Sept. 20.
School Board Discusses Alternative Plans for Elementary Seats
Arlington Public Schools staff update the School Board on Sept. 26 on the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and the alternative plans for elementary seats.
Does Change in Voter ID Laws Matter?
More than 22,000 active voters in Northern Virginia are without the required ID.
For the current election, new, more stringent voter identification laws are in effect.
Voting Early, Absentee
Elections 2014
Virtually every voter in Virginia is eligible to vote absentee, which includes voting in-person absentee at a variety of locations from now through Nov. 1.
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Oct. 13-18.
Crime Report
The following incidents were reported by the Arlington Police Department.

Celebrating 17th Annual Clarendon Day
Thousands of neighbors and visitors filled the streets and sidewalks at the 17th annual Clarendon Day festival on Saturday, Sept. 27.
Column: Pre-Chemo Peek
I realize, given last week’s column: “Post-Chemo Week,” this week’s column about the preceding week (week-of, actually) of chemotherapy might be a bit bass-ackward, but it seemed reasonable to me that if you regular readers had an interest in the week-after, perhaps you’d have a similar interest in the week-before.
Junior Committee: Work Horses
Young local equestriennes anchor Washington International Horse Show.
Established in 1958, the Washington International Horse Show is the leading metropolitan indoor horse show in the U.S. This six-day event is held annually in October at Verizon Center in Washington, DC.

Linden Resources Marks 55 Years
Linden Resources, Inc., an Arlington-based non-profit organization that operates three commercial businesses and 15 federal contracts and provides work for more than 400 people with disabilities, held its 55th anniversary celebration on Sept. 23 at the Ft. Meyer Officers’ Club.

Streetcar Proposal Ignites Debate
County Board seat debate centers on mass transit.
Arlington County Board candidates John Vihstadt (Independent) and Alan Howze (Democrat) have similar stances on many of the city’s issues.

Running Safely
RunSafer workshop focuses on staying safe while keeping fit.
Carin Usrey is an avid runner who lost a friend to assault during college. Now when she is out running for exercise, she is on heightened alert about potential dangers that could pose a threat to those on a fast-paced run or leisurely walk for exercise.