Tuesday, September 30
New Voter Identification Requirements
There are new requirements for voter identification that voters must bring with them to the polling place.

Junior Committee: Work Horses
Young local equestriennes anchor Washington International Horse Show.
Mary Elizabeth Cordia of Alexandria Established in 1958, the Washington International Horse Show is the leading metropolitan indoor horse show in the U.S. This six-day event is held annually in October at Verizon Center in Washington, DC.
Saturday, September 27

High-Powered Hayfield Football Beats Washington-Lee
After three losses against tough opponents, QB Isaac leads Hawks to win.
The Hayfield football team defeated Washington-Lee 49-20 on Friday night.
Thursday, September 25

Board of Supervisors Approves 50+ Community Action Plan
Vote is “the beginning, not the end” for Herrity.
Supervisor Pat Herrity’s so-called “Silver Tsunami” population in Fairfax County isn’t getting any younger. The data haven’t changed: the amount of people over 50 should increase by 40 percent between 2005 and 2030, and those 70 and older should shoot up 80 percent in the same period.

Supervisors Break Ground on New Public Safety Headquarters
The Fairfax County Police and Fire Departments are getting a new home. On Tuesday, Sept. 16, Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova and Supervisor John Cook broke ground on what will be a $142 million, eight-story headquarters.
Wednesday, September 24
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, Oct. 6-11.
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, Oct. 6-11.

New Law Protects Pets in Abusive Households
AWLA’s Safekeeping program provides temporary shelter.
Due to a new law, as of July 1, a judge can make decisions regarding a pet’s care and custody when they have been in abusive households.

Nauck Community Celebrates 170th Birthday
Residents and friends gathered at the Drew Model School and Community Center on Saturday, Sept. 20, to celebrate the Nauck community’s 170th birthday with a day of civic and community pride.
Pass Medicaid Expansion Now
Our health care system is neither healthy nor accessible for many women, but Richmond lawmakers have an opportunity to make improvements. They need to stop playing politics with people’s lives and begin to start governing.
Post-Chemo Weak
For the past year, every three weeks I have been infused with a chemotherapy drug called Alimta, “the last miracle drug,” to quote my oncologist, and a drug with which I hadn’t previously been infused.
Foust Bridging Political Divide
Democrats hope Foust’s reputation as a “bridge-builder” connects with voters.
Straightening his tie, John Foust is preparing for yet another “meet-and-greet” event at the Clifton home of Democratic supporters Terry Matlaga and Kevin Bell.
Editorial: Deadly Medicaid Debacle
Literally killing poor people who could have health care, while refusing to give Virginia’s economy a boost.
The poor people of Virginia are so seriously harmed by the actions of the Virginia General Assembly in refusing to expand Medicaid at little additional cost to the Commonwealth that those harmed should have some legal recourse.
Thursday, September 18
Classified Advertising September 17, 2014
Read the latest ads here!
Arlington Home Sales: August, 2014
In August 2014, 234 Arlington homes sold between $1,820,000-$107,000.
Arlington Home Sales: August, 2014

Deer Archery Program Enters Sixth Season
Continued overabundance brings bow-hunters back to parks.
Even at 72, the animated Disney classic “Bambi” can still soften the hardest hearts when it comes to appreciating the innocence and natural beauty of deer. But the reality in Fairfax County is that an unnaturally high density of Bambis and mothers of Bambi is an ongoing threat to biodiversity and road safety.
Wednesday, September 17

The Beacon Welcomes First Tenants
Donohoe Construction turned over the first phase of occupancy at the new Beacon at Clarendon West after receiving the Certificate of Occupancy from Arlington County in August

DogFest Spotlights Service Dogs at Pentagon Row
Event benefits Canine Companions for Independence.
The first annual DogFest Walk ‘N Roll in the area kicked off early Saturday morning, Sept. 13, as close to 30 teams queued up on Pentagon Row to support Canine Companions for Independence.

Remembering 9-11
More than 100 people gathered on the edges of the plaza outside the Arlington County building on Thursday morning, Sept. 11, to remember the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Sept. 29-Oct. 4.

A Different Path to a 4-year Degree
NOVA’s Guaranteed Admissions Program gives students opportunities to attend their dream schools.
Noor Naveed immigrated to the United States from Pakistan with her family shortly after the 9/11 attacks. The family settled in Northern Virginia and, years later, Naveed graduated from Hayfield Secondary School in Alexandria. She dreams of becoming the first person in her family to graduate from college.
Scared, Hopefully Not to Death
One of my greatest fears (or regrets, if I am in fact the cause of my own decline) is that my own stubbornness, stupidity, “male blockheadedness” and/or refusal to believe/pay attention to signs, symptoms, indications and instructions/health advisories from my oncologist about my health will lead to my premature death.
Commentary: Protecting Those Threatened by Domestic Violence
September marks 20th Anniversary of Violence Against Women Act.
This month marks the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) – landmark legislation in which our nation committed new prevention and response resources so that our mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends would no longer have to suffer in silence through domestic abuse.
Friday, September 12
Arlington Real Estate: Top Sales in July 2014
In July 2014, 281 Arlington homes sold between $2,000,000-$125,000.
Arlington Real Estate: Top Sales in July 2014
Thursday, September 11
Classified Advertising September 10, 2014
Read the latest ads here!

Knights of Columbus Hosts Car Show
Fifty-four cars and trucks were displayed on the front lawns of the Arlington Council on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 6.
W-L Girls’ XC Produces Best Finish at Monroe Parker
Generals place fourth with four girls in top 25.
The Washington-Lee girls’ cross country team continued its run of strong performances with a fourth-place finish at the Monroe Parker Invitational on Saturday, Sept. 6 at Burke Lake Park.

Bonefish Grill Opens Its Doors
Now open for brunch, lunch and dinner in Pentagon Row.
Located next to the outdoor ice rink in Pentagon Row, Bonefish Grill opened at the end of last month to the public. Cutting the ribbon on opening day were Arlington Chamber President Kate Roche, Arlington County Board member Walter Tejada, Bonefish Grill Managing Partner Jason Steenrod, Bonefish Grill Joint Venture Partner Debra Peterson and Bonefish Grill team members.

Bluesy ‘Seven Guitars’ at Signature Theatre
Michele Shay tackles August Wilson drama she helped originate on Broadway.
No Rules Theatre Co. opens their new season with “Seven Guitars” written by August Wilson and directed by Tony Award nominated actress Michele Shay, Sept. 10-28, at Signature Theatre.

Board of Supervisors Approves 2014 Budget Carryover Package
FCPS full-day Mondays at discussion forefront.
When students at the 142 public elementary schools around Fairfax County stayed there the full day on Monday -- the first time in about four decades -- they likely weren’t worried about the cost. That’s between the school board and board of supervisors. Grown-up stuff.

‘Recession Ripple Persists’ at Realtors’ Summit
Private sector job growth key to strengthening regional economy, housing demand.
“There’s no question the primary economic driver of this region has always been Uncle Sam,” said David Versal, senior research associate at the George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis. “That said, we’re not Detroit.”
Wednesday, September 10
Editorial: Change Is Coming, Right?
Legislators on changing the culture of cash and gifts in Virginia: Crickets.
With former Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen facing what could be decades in prison after their convictions for corruption, a reasonable person might reasonably expect that members of the General Assembly would be gearing up to make some big changes.
Time Sensitive
As much as I don’t want to be cognizant of date, time and place, relative to February 27, 2009 when Team Lourie first received the stage IV, non-small cell lung cancer diagnosis on yours truly, I am (a terminal diagnosis will do that to you). Moreover, as often as I write about the need to live forward, rather than die backward (if you know what I mean), I still struggle with the application.
Monday, September 8
'To Take Down the ‘Walls’ That Separate Us’
New senior Unitarian minister to deliver first sermon Sunday.
On Sunday, Sept. 7, the new senior minister, the Rev. Aaron B. McEmry, will deliver his first sermon at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington located at 4444 Arlington Blvd. Services are at 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Looking Back at Watergate
Journalist speaks about her coverage of Richard Nixon and Watergate.
As the nation marked the 40th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s resignation as president of the U.S. on Aug. 9, a fully packed auditorium at the Central Library gathered on Aug. 12 to see Elizabeth Drew, a journalist who covered the months leading up to Nixon’s resignation for The New Yorker, and to hear about the recent edition of her book on the Watergate scandal, “Washington Journal: Reporting Watergate and Richard Nixon's Downfall.”
Harris: A Two-Way Threat for Washington-Lee
Q&A: RB/DB plans to play football in college.
Senior running back/defensive back Daquay Harris enters his third year as a member of the Washington-Lee varsity football team. As a sophomore, Harris received second-team All-National District honors as a cornerback.
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor: Our community knows as well as any that suicide takes an enormous toll on families, friends, co-workers, schools and the fabric of our society.

The Broad-winged Hawks Are Coming
Every Autumn, in addition to literally billions of songbirds, a million or more avian raptors (hawks, eagles, and falcons) migrate from their nesting and breeding areas all over North America to their winter homes, mostly in Central and South America. Raptor enthusiasts and hawk counters often head for mountain ridges and other concentration points in hopes of seeing some of the birds fly by.
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Sept. 13-20.
Thursday, September 4
Classified Advertising September 3, 2014
Read the latest ads here!
Arlington Sports Briefs
The Bishop O'Connell football team opened its 2014 season with a 56-14 victory over rival Paul VI on Aug. 29 in Fairfax. The Knights' home opener is at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 6 against Bishop Ireton (1-0).
Taking On the ‘Silver Tsunami’
Herrity to present 50+ Plan to Board of Supervisors next week.
“It’s here,” said Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield). “We’re already living in it.” Between 2005 and 2030, the number of individuals 50 and older is projected to grow by 40 percent in Fairfax County and the number 70 and older is projected to grow by 80 percent. Herrity attributes the changes to both the aging of Baby Boomers, and the general increase in life expectancy.
Senior Centers in Fairfax County
A list of senior centers in Fairfax County.

Quilting Studio Adds to Dream Home
At 72, Wanda Rogers engages in an early American craft she first learned from her grandmother.
Quilting takes patience; ditto the steps entailed in setting up a quilting studio all of one's own. Such are the reflections of Wanda Rogers, 72, who is now tapering off a 51-year professional career, and increasing precious hours spent in the pursuit of a mountain-state handicraft she learned from her mother and grandmother.
The Village Movement Comes to Arlington
Arlington Neighborhood Villages (ANV) is a non-profit organization dedicated to enabling Arlington seniors to continue living in their homes as they age. ANV combines elements of a senior cooperative, a social club and a concierge service. ANV opens in Arlington County in April. County residents 55 years of age and older are eligible for membership. They will pay an annual fee based on the level of services desired.

Newcomers Guide: Year-round Festivals 2014-2015
A list of annual community events in the area.
A list of annual community events in the area.
Wednesday, September 3
I Scream
…for ice cream; from Brigham’s in Boston, the local New England establishment of my youth where I spent dollars – although it was likely cents back in those days – many afternoons, evenings and weekends.

$12 Million Suit Against Fairfax County Police
2013 shooting victim’s family seeks damages in wrongful death case.
The year-long silence surrounding the police shooting of John Geer has been broken — but not by Fairfax County Police or the U.S. Department of Justice. John Geer was shot to death by Fairfax County Police on Aug. 29, 2013.
Arlington: Sparring over Issues on Streetcar Proposal
Democrat Alan Howze issued a harsh attack against incumbent County Board member John Vihstadt last week, accusing him of using opposition to the proposed $333 million streetcar proposal on Columbia Pike as a "wedge issue" to score "political points" in a way that is "dividing our community." All of these attacks came before Howze outlined a five-point plan to improve the controversial project.