Tuesday, June 30

July 4th Safety
From swimming to fireworks, safety precautions for a festive Independence Day.
It was a near accident at camp last summer that sparked action by one parent. Elementary school-aged campers splashed in the pool. Everyone was having fun. Then tragedy almost struck.
Editorial: Open Letter to Elected Officials and Candidates
Spend some of your campaign dollars in newspapers.
Here at the Connection, our email boxes are filling up with messages from people running for office. It’s not surprising, since in November, virtually every state and local office in the commonwealth is on the ballot.
Arlington Brief: Greenbrier Learning Center To Move
Greenbrier Learning Center, an Arlington nonprofit that provides after school and summer tutoring and enrichment programs for local at-risk and low-income youth, will be moving to a new location at the recently renovated Arlington Mill Community and Senior Center.
Arlington Brief: Parkway Repairs Underway
The National Park Service has begun repairs on the George Washington Memorial Parkway from I-395 to the Reagan National Airport in both north and south bound lanes. The work includes associated ramps to the 14th Street Bridge, off and onto the parkway. Lane closures are expected to cause traffic delays.
Arlington Brief: Coalition Honors 87 African and African-American Students
The Civic Coalition for Minority Affairs honored 87 African and African-American students in its 23rd Annual Awards Ceremony in April at the Career Center. The Civic Coalition for Minority Affairs is a council of representatives from civic, religious and social organizations of Northern Virginia. Committed to excellence in education, the group endeavors to foster high academic achievement through its annual awards ceremony honoring high achieving African and African-American students in 5th, 8th and 11th grades.
Arlington Brief: County Board Requests Redskins Name Change
The Arlington County Board May 19 adopted a resolution calling on the owners of the Redskins to change a team name that the board said is “objectionable to many Americans, Virginians and Arlingtonians,” saying that the team could have a brand new start as it is welcomed into the Commonwealth.
Brief: Arlington Board Honors Outstanding Volunteers
The Arlington County Board honored six individuals and one team on May 19 for their outstanding volunteer service to our community.
Arlington Brief: Capitals Beard-A-Thon Raises More Than $33,700
Capitals fans raised more than $33,700 for the American Special Hockey Association (ASHA) by participating in the team’s Beard-A-Thon initiative during the 2015 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.
'State of Arlington' Addresses Transportation, Economic Challenges
County Board Chair Hynes addresses local transportation and economic developments challenges.
Like a shark, Arlington will need to keep moving forward if it wants to survive.
'Flourishing After 55' for the week of July 6-11
Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for July 6-11.
Continuum of Care: How Do They Do It?
How Arlingtonians can help.
The organizations taking care of Arlington County’s homeless problem aren’t flush with cash.
Obituary: John McLaughlin
John (Mac) McLaughlin (USMC RET.) of Arlington died June 22. He was retired as director of the Arlington Soccer Association.
At Home in Arlington After 30 Years on the Street
Vietnam veteran finally home.
John Barrett enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1971 after dropping out of high school. He volunteered to go to Vietnam and worked on aircraft that flew missions over the jungle.
Arlington: On the Frontlines Against Homelessness, Part One
A-Span is one of several organizations active in county.
At the offices of A-Span, on South Nelson Street, perched over the Arlington Food Assistance Cooperative (AFAC), Ayana Bellamy and David Ordonez talk about their passion: reaching out to the homeless and getting them into housing.
Monday, June 29
Arlington: Changing Genres from Thriller to Self-Help
Local author uses his novels’ characters to address life.
Years ago Charles Toftoy conceived of an idea for a thriller mystery novel in which four unlikely friends shared their talents to solve crimes.
Thursday, June 25

Arlington: Washington-Lee High Graduates Look to the Future
Washington-Lee High School’s 2015 graduation was held at D.A.R. Constitution Hall on June 18.
Wednesday, June 24

Arlington: Wakefield High School Salutes Its 2015 Graduates
Wakefield High School held 2015 Commencement ceremonies at DAR Constitution Hall on June 18.

State Ultimate Frisbee Champions
Arlington boys’ and girls’ teams win
In a flurry of flying plastic disks, Virginia’s high school state Ultimate Frisbee tournament was held on two weekends in May, and when the discs settled, teams from Arlington had won both the boys’ and girls’ championships.

Arlington: A Farewell to Yorktown High School
Yorktown High School held 2015 graduation ceremonies at DAR Constitution Hall on June 18.
Tuesday, June 23
Call for Pet Connection Photos
The Pet Connection, a twice-yearly special edition, will publish on July 22, and photos and stories of your pets with you and your family should be submitted by July 15. Our favorite pictures include both pets and humans. We welcome short stories about how you got your pet, a noteworthy talent or anecdote about your pet, tales of the bonds between your family and your pet, plus drawings, paintings or other artwork of your pet by children or adults Please tell us a little bit about your creature, identify everyone in the photo, give a brief description what is happening in the photo, and include address and phone number (we will not publish your address or phone number, just your town name).
Editorial: Safe Planning for Independence
Talking and planning about celebrating July 4, and throughout the summer months.
Independence Day is a national celebration, and for many, that celebration includes alcohol. The summer overall and July 4 in particular are times of greater risk for drinking and driving.

Arlington Students Graduate from Convention
H-B Woodlawn hosts its annual unorthodox graduation.
During graduation, while other schools would have a sea of caps and gowns in rows of seating, the class of 2015 from H-B Woodlawn lounged around on the floor or on sofas in an array of Hawaiian shirts.
Arlington: Flourishing After 55
“Flourishing After 55” events from the Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for June 29-July 3

This Hamburger Came to Arlington ...
An exchange student in Arlington leaves loving ice hockey and rock music.
Ask Simon Kroger what surprised him when he first got to America, he laughs and says: “When the guy kept refilling my glass with soda and it was free.”

Arlington's ‘Manhattan on the Potomac’ Loses Its Central Park
Dramatic size reduction planned for Rosslyn Highlands Park.
Despite an impassioned plea from local residents to save Rosslyn Highlands Park, a redevelopment plan for Western Rosslyn has moved forward.
Arlington: Changing Genres from Thriller to Self-Help
Local author uses his novels’ characters to address life.
Years ago Charles Toftoy conceived of an idea for a thriller mystery novel in which four unlikely friends shared their talents to solve crimes.
Thursday, June 18
Arlington Home Sales: May, 2015
In May, 2015, 288 Arlington homes sold between $2,482,000-$118,000.
Arlington Home Sales: May, 2015
Ideas for Summer Learning
Experts offer suggestions for avoiding summer brain drain.
While summer is opportunity for fun, it can also be a breeding ground for stagnation.

YouthQuest Runs ThinkLink
Experts say 3D printing can open a world of imagination and critical thinking.
Adonis Gonzales had always wanted to become a master electrician, but when he was asked to leave high school at 16 because of a poor attendance record, his prospects looked bleak.
Wednesday, June 17
Column: No Joke, But Funny Nonetheless
Not that I ever want to use my having cancer as an excuse, but you have to admit, it’s a doozy. And it’s probably the best thing about the diagnosis/prognosis. However, it’s not as if there are a number of other advantages to the disease.
Tuesday, June 16

Arlington Photo: Garden Club Competition
A room packed with garden club members bedecked in bright spring-flowered dresses watched video clips of the 12 finalists for the Rock Spring Garden Club award on June 11 at Little Falls Presbyterian Church.

Arlington Snapshot: Disney Teacups
From left: Loretta Staley (1 year old), Bill Shapiro, and Harriet Shapiro (9 years old)

Arlington: Culpepper Garden Celebrates 40th anniversary.
Bill Harris shares memories with Sarah Anspach, the daughter of Charles Culpepper.
Arlington Snapshot: Flamingos
Sign of climate change along George Marshall Drive.
Timeline: Arlington Officer-Involved Shooting
Since Tuesday, May 19, Arlington County Police Department have been investigating an officer involved shooting at 4219 N. 2nd Road, resulting in the death of one man and one officer sustaining significant injuries.

Arlington Democrats: Rebound Or Retreat
Arlington Democrats express confidence and concern following County Board Democratic primary.
Arlington Democrats seemed to have emerged from the June 8 primary confident in their choice of leadership, but the push to keep two of Arlington’s County Board seats Democratic won’t be going unopposed with two independents running in November.
Arlington: “Flourishing After 55" for Week Of June 22-June 27
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for June 22-27.
Arlington: Grandpa Camp Bonds Generations
Sharing the love of singing with preschoolers.
"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands."
Letter: Encouraging Solar Power
Letter to the Editor
The recent article on solar power and its efficiency, "Making Power While the Sun Shines," [Arlington Connection, June 10] proved incredibly provocative and should lead to further expansion of solar development across the state of Virginia.

Arlington: Mixed Response to Housing Plan
County Board moves forward on Affordable Housing Master Plan despite citizen objections.
After nearly five hours of public comment and debate, a request to advertise the Affordable Housing Master Plan for public hearings throughout July was approved by the County Board in a 4 - 1 vote.

Arlington: Preparing for Hawaiian Festival
Halau O 'Aulani, a Hawaiian cultural school, will present its first Ho'olaule'a — a Hawaiian cultural festival, on Saturday, June 20, at Gunston Theatre One.
Thursday, June 11
Tuesday, June 9

Trending in the Garden
Local landscape architects offer suggestions for updating.
As summer gets underway, so does time spent outside. The American Society of Landscape Architects recently released the results of its 2015 Residential Landscape Architecture Survey, a list of trends in outdoor design that yields a bounty of backyard design ideas. From adding a pond to planting a garden, local landscape gurus explain how these trends can be used to transform an outdoor space into a favorite escape.

Arlington: Gulf Branch Nature Center Gives Firefly Lessons
Gulf Branch Nature Center and Park gave firefly lessons on June 3.

Making Power While the Sun Shines
153 homeowners qualify for program to add solar features to their homes within the next seven to nine months.
Residents of Arlington are showing an increasing interest in solar power. Eighty-one residents have already installed solar panels and solar water heating systems in an attempt to go green, while 153 others are in a new program considering installing these features to their homes or businesses.

Setting Priorities for Arlington Police
Arlington’s new police chief talks national crisis and local challenges.
For the most part, nothing changed. Jay Farr was doing what he’d normally been doing as acting police chief since Chief Doug Scott retired in March. But since he was selected by County Manager Barbara Donnellan to permanently fill the position on May 14, Farr says there’s been a slight change in the atmosphere.

Arlington: New Police Chief Stresses Community Outreach
Nauck Civic Association hosts discussion of local criminal justice system.
Jay Farr, addressing the Nauck Civic Association community meeting June 1, said he was there to " put a face to a position." He emphasized the importance of community outreach and input.

Arlington: AFA Cycling Classic Kids Bike Race to Benefit Tay Sachs Research
On Saturday and Sunday, June 13-14, hundreds of adults will be competing in the Air Force Association (AFA) Cycling Classic to benefit the AFA Wounded Airman Program. More than 300 children aged 9 and under are expected to race as well, but with another cause in mind. For the second year, the Kids Bike Race is dedicated to Ethan Klancnik.

Arlington: Masonic Story Memorialized
African-American Lodge honored.
History finally caught up with Arlington Lodge #58 F&AM, Prince Hall on Saturday, June 6. Arlington County erected a marker commemorating the strong and beneficial presence of generations of mostly African-American men in the Nauck community.
Thursday, June 4

Arlington: Congressional Questions
Northern Virginia's four members of Congress — Gerry Connolly, Don Beyer, Rob Wittman, and Barbara Comstock — met recently with Virginia Transportation Secretary Aubrey Layne about their concerns over the proposal to expand and toll I-66. The meeting took place on Capitol Hill.
Wednesday, June 3
Editorial: Overdose Deaths Are Preventable
New “safe reporting” law encourages people to seek help in time.
The death rate due to heroin overdose more than doubled between 2010 through 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), with an average increase of 37 percent per year in the United States.
Tuesday, June 2
Letter to the Editor
Positive Movement
To the Editor: Thanks for the great article on Reevesland [“Arlington History for Sale,” May 27]. I lived in nearby Bluemont for nearly 25 years and am very pleased to see this useful old relic of yesteryear get its due consideration.

Arlington: Parking Extension Deferred
Concerns over unknowns stall extension of parking meter hours.
Starting in September, Arlingtonians hoping for on-street parking should begin saving those extra quarters. In a unanimous vote at its May 16 meeting, the County Board approved a 25 cent-per-hour increase in metered parking rates. However, the board deferred a vote on the more controversial extension of operating hours until it receives a more detailed analysis of the extension’s effects.

Arlington: 34zero9 Micro-Gallery Now Open
Barbara Januszkiewicz wants people to have the “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Holly Golightly experience at the new 34zero9 gallery in Arlington.
Arlington Police Documented in Pictures
Retired officer writes history of county police department.
Some few years ago, Janet Rowe attended a law enforcement officer convention in Pittsburgh and was impressed with that city’s police museum. On another occasion, she came across a book telling the history of the Alexandria Police Department. Nothing comparable existed for Arlington’s police department. She bided her time and this year took a first step in remedying the situation. “Arlington County Police Department” is now on booksellers’ shelves.

Arlington: Out of the Classroom and into the Garden
Adding life skills while growing plants.
Fallon Keplinger, or Ms K., as her middle school students and fellow teachers call her, has only been at Thomas Jefferson Middle School in Arlington since October of 2014, but she’s jumped in with both feet.

Fairfax Inova Escapee Indicted
When Arlington resident Wossen Assaye, 43, escaped from private security guards and fled Inova Fairfax Hospital, he added to a litany of existing charges. The escape, subsequent manhunt and capture within several hours in Washington, D.C. took place Tuesday, March 31.
Arlington: 45th District Candidates Struggle To Out-Democrat Each Other
Democratic primary candidates find differences on education and environment.
If residents are having a difficult time differentiating between the platforms of the five Democratic candidates running for the 45th district delegate seat, they are not alone.
Monday, June 1

Summer Fun, Summer Safety
Tips for averting summer danger.
It’s a familiar call. The sun beams down from mid-summer sky. Temperatures rise above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, but safety conditions start to plummet.