Wednesday, August 30

Northam Outlines Educational Priorities
Fairfax Education Association provides the forum for candidate Northam’s vision for public education in Virginia.

Northern Virginia Senior Olympics Celebrates 35th Year
Participants can compete in 70 different events.

September Is Suicide Prevention Month
Area agencies, organizations and citizens engage to raise awareness and prevent deaths.

Learning to Face Opioid Overdose Crisis
Chris Atwood Foundation hosts training on opioid overdose reversal.
Tuesday, August 29

Moderate Republican Challenges Democratic Whip
First-time candidate challenges key figure in House Democratic caucus leadership.
Until this year, three-term Del. Alfonso Lopez (D-49) has never had a Republican opponent.

In Their Shoes in Arlington
Activists rally outside county offices in support for immigrant protections.
Thursday, August 24

Build Your Business with the Power of Trend: Masonite reveals the latest trends through whole home solutions
Build Your Business with the Power of Trend Masonite reveals the latest trends through whole home solutions by leveraging the home’s greatest visual impact. Come learn how to use trend to grow your business.
Wednesday, August 23
Editorial Opinion: Expand Medicaid Now
It’s too late to get back the $10 billion Virginia turned down, but not too late to gain coverage for 400,000 and boost the economy.
Russian Grand Ballet’s Swan Lake - first time in Alexandria for one night only!
Russian Grand Ballet’s Swan Lake - first time in Alexandria for one night only! October 5, 7:30pm – Rachel M.Schlesinger Concert Hall

Area Interstates Have Toll Lane Options
Latest addition, 395 Express Lanes, are scheduled to be opened in 2019.
Area Interstates Have Toll Lane Options
Tuesday, August 22
Law Enforcement in Arlington
The difference between Arlington’s Police Department and Sheriff’s Office
Commentary: Arlington United Against Racism and Bigotry
A statement from the Arlington County Board:
“Flourishing After 55” in Arlington
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Aug. 28-Sept. 2.
Monday, August 21

Arlington’s Signature Stages ‘A Little Night Music’
Presenting Stephen Sondheim's musical masterpiece set in 1900s Sweden.
Friday, August 18
Arlington Home Sales: July, 2017
In July, 2017, 305 Arlington homes sold between $2,470,000-$9,000.
Arlington Home Sales: July, 2017
Wednesday, August 16
Tuesday, August 15
Opinion: On Events in Charlottesville
What some representatives had to say about hate, bigotry and the deaths and damage that resulted.
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55”
Monday, August 14
Wednesday, August 9
Operation FirePaws Supports AWLA
Operation FirePaws Supports AWLA
"Flourishing After 55”
"Flourishing After 55”
Tuesday, August 8

Redrawing School Lines in Arlington
Arlington middle and elementary schools to undergo redistricting in the fall.
Monday, August 7
Wednesday, August 2

Arlington Entertainment Calendar through August 13
Arlington Entertainment Calendar through August 13
Federal Officials Discuss Net Neutrality’s Future
Federal Officials Discuss Net Neutrality’s Future
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55”
Tuesday, August 1

APAH Breaks Ground on Gilliam Place in Arlington
173 new affordable homes advance a faith-filled vision.