Thursday, March 30
Diversion First in Wait-and-See Mode
Handcuffed by budget constraints in proposed budget, Diversion First may see some relief.
Editorial Opinion: Expand Medicaid Now
Virginia has missed out on $10 billion, 30,000 jobs and care for 400,000 citizens.
Tuesday, March 28
Parents: More Psychiatric Beds Needed at VHC
Hearing on April 3 will address VHC request for property acquisition and additional beds.

Couple Gives Back to Hope Connections for Cancer Support
Liza and John Marshall are committed to nonprofit’s mission.
Monday, March 27
Flourishing After 55 in Arlington
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, April 3-8.

Community Policing, Not Sanctuary, in Fairfax County
Resurgent gang activity also discussed at Public Safety Committee.
Thursday, March 23

Surprise Late-Winter Visitors at Riverbend Park
48 Tundra Swans grazing in the Potomac River.
Tundra Swans at Riverbend
Wednesday, March 22
Tuesday, March 21
Free Tax Assistance in Arlington
Get help preparing taxes at several Arlington locations this season
Monday, March 20
Friday, March 17
Arlington Home Sales: February, 2017
In February, 2017, 173 Arlington homes sold between $2,100,000-$122,500.
Arlington Home Sales: February, 2017
Thursday, March 16
Free St. Patrick’s Day Lyft Rides Offered in Area
Preparing to combat that time of year when, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly one-third of all U.S. traffic deaths are caused by drunk drivers, free Lyft rides will be offered to would-be drunk drivers throughout the Washington-metropolitan area next Friday, March 17, 2017 (St. Patrick’s Day).

Area Social Justice Network Hosts Richmond Wrap-Up
Some successes, some defeats, and a partisan rallying call for 2017 elections.
The 2017 Legislative Session of the Virginia General Assembly was adjourned on Saturday, Feb. 15.

Committed to Peacemaking
Student Peace Awards of Fairfax County reception honors activists and advocates.
Suraya Sadeed said hearing more than 20 stories of students promoting peace in and out of their schools made her believe “there is still hope for a brighter future.”
Wednesday, March 15

Practice Makes Perfect
Local educators share strategies for getting children to practice music.
When Linda Gulyn’s son entered high school and asked to quit his clarinet lessons, the Arlington mother of four declined his request.

Over 50 and Playing Basketball
Women's NOVA Fifty and Over Basketball League enjoy friendships and travel.
If you're over 50 and a woman, you're never too old to play basketball.
First Taste of Working World
Teen Job Fairs begin this weekend.
Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) said his first job working at a pool over the summer formed a lot of his work ethic.

Optimistic About State of Hospitality
Panelists at Northern Virginia Chamber Forum discuss state of hospitality under the new administration.
The Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce gathered some heavy hitters to offer their thoughts and answer questions from a standing-room-only audience at the “State of Hospitality Under the New Administration” symposium on March 6.
Tuesday, March 14

Area Filmmakers at Bethesda Film Fest
Films include art of painting with wax, history of collard greens, and a doctor walking the line of his own morality.
The fifth annual Bethesda Film Fest will take place on Friday and Saturday, March 17-18, and will feature five short documentaries made by local filmmakers.

Arlington's Signature Stages ‘Mrs. Miller Does Her Thing’
Story about a songstress whose off-key singing becomes a pop phenomenon in the 1960s.
Signature Theatre in Arlington is staging "Mrs. Miller Does Her Thing" from now through March 26.

Recruiting for New Principal
Search begins for new Yorktown High School principal.
Arlington Public Schools Superintendent Patrick Murphy and Dr. Kristi Murphy, assistant superintendent of human resources for Arlington Public Schools, met with parents at Yorktown High School to review the selection process, on the evening of March 8.
Restoring Felons’ Rights
Gov. Terry McAuliffe addressed the Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) annual Second Chance breakfast on March 1.
GOP Lieutenant Governor Candidates to Debate in Arlington
The Republican Women of Northern Virginia will host a Republican Lieutenant Governor debate on Thursday, March 30, at 7 p.m. at the Army Navy Country Club, in Arlington.
Flourishing After 55
Flourishing After 55

How to Package 20,000 Meals in Four Hours
Seventy-five volunteers have gathered at CUMC on Filmore Street on March 11 to package 20,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now.

Local Filmmakers at Bethesda Film Fest
Films include art of painting with wax, history of collard greens, and a doctor walking the line of his own morality.
Filmmakers from Alexandria, Arlington
Spaghetti at the Cherrydale Volunteer Fire Department fundraiser
Spaghetti fundraiser
Thursday, March 9
Stop Bullying Federal Workers
Republicans hold control of all three branches of government, and therefore have a responsibility to lead the civil service that employs millions of Americans, and every American relies upon for myriad services.
Wednesday, March 8
People at Work
A plumbers work in Old Town, Alexandria
Public Notice- Arlington, Virginia 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, Va 22201
Public Notice- Arlington, Virginia, 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, Va 22201, NOTICE OF PROPOSED REAL PROPERTY TAX INCREASE
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, 3/20-25/17
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, 3/20-25/17
Educating Customers Is Key to Success
New manager joining Two Poor Teachers after 18 years in business.
It’s been 18 years since Ken Nies co-founded Two Poor Teachers, LLC, but the kitchen and bath remodelling company isn’t resting on its laurels.

Tour Area Gardens
Garden Club of Virginia hosts 84th Annual Historic Garden Week.
During the last eight days of April every year nearly 26,000 visitors tour homes and gardens across Virginia.
Tuesday, March 7

Sow Now, Reap this Spring
Getting a garden and yard ready for warm weather.
One of the most anticipated sights of spring is a garden in bloom.

Butterfly Weed Wins Perennial of the Year
The designation Perennial Plant of the Year is awarded each year by the Perennial Plant Association to the perennial that outshines its competitors not only in appearance, but also in its noteworthy characteristics.

Old Town Prepares for Historic Garden Week
Part of state-wide event.
Five Old Town Alexandria homes and gardens will open to the public on April 22 as part of the 84th Historic Garden Week.

From Split-Level to Neoclassical
Conversion wins regional “Contractor of the Year” award.
Converting a circa 1960's split-level into a spacious neoclassical-style residence has won Sun Design Remodeling a regional “Contractor of the Year” award from the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.

Kitchen Design Trends to Expect in 2017
Local designers share popular design ideas.
Those looking for kitchen design ideas have a new source of inspiration: the National Kitchen & Bath Association’s (NKBA) list of trends for 2017.

Cold Treat
Wes Oscar Sachar, Lucille Elizabeth Scogna, and Eva Grace Sachar didn’t think it was too cold for ice cream on Sunday, even though it was cold enough for parkas and hats outside Toby’s Ice Cream shop in Westover.

Little Church on the Corner Broadens Its Vision
Plans move forward to transform CUMC property.
The road has been a long one for the Central United Methodist Church (CUMC) efforts to transform their property in Ballston into a new worship space.

Arlington Diner to Close … Later in Spring
33 years of 364-day customer favorites.
An Arlington institution is disappearing.
County Manager Recommends Reeves Farmhouse Sale
Arlington County Manager Mark Schwartz recommended Feb. 28 that the county move forward with the sale of the historic Reeves farmhouse, and that the county not be a financial partner in the farmhouse’s restoration and reuse.

Rosslyn/Custis Trail Detours to Begin Next Week
Custis Trail users — in the vicinity of N. Lynn Street and Lee Highway — will begin experiencing detours next week.
WofA Meeting Draws Motivated Crowd
General Assembly election called first referendum on President Trump's policies.
There are 12 #Indivisible groups that have formed to date in Arlington, of which WofA is one of the largest with almost 1,000 members.
Man Sentenced to 17 Years
Martin Walker, 25, of Largo, Md. was sentenced on Friday, March 3, in the Arlington County Circuit Court to 17 years in prison for his role in a shooting on Columbia Pike in 2016.
Arrest Follows Williamsburg Homicide
The Arlington County Police Department has arrested and charged Monique Williams, 27, of Capital Heights, Md. with accessory after the fact for her role in a homicide in the Williamsburg neighborhood on Feb. 19, 2017.
25 Years for Arlington Sexual Assault
An Arlington man was sentenced on Friday, March 3, in the Arlington County Circuit Court for his role in a 2016 sexual assault. Anibal Rodriguez Castellanos, 37, was sentenced to 30 years, with five years suspended, for the charge of burglary while armed and 10 years for the charge of attempted rape.
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, for March 12-18.
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, for March 12-18.
Reassuring and Reaffirming in Arlington
Letter from The Superintendent
The following letter was addressed to Arlington Public Schools students, families, staff and community.
Letter to the Editor: Social Issue Not Political
It is no wonder the “Black Lives Matter” banner was taken down from the atrium of Yorktown High School on Feb. 8, due to expressed concerns about its implications.

Presenting Opera to Arlington School Children
A cast of Opera NOVA singers and dancers held the rapt attention of hundreds of school children Feb. 28-March 4 with singing, dancing and bright costumes for the first-ever 45-minute performance of Scott Joplin’s opera “Treemonisha.”