Tuesday, February 27
Opinion: Editorial: Hope for Expanding Health Care
Just say yes to $400 million, thousands of jobs and health care for 300,000.

Mixed Success on Menstrual Equity in Virginia
Increased availability behind bars, but no tax breaks during back-to-school week.
Several lawmakers from Northern Virginia arrived in Richmond this year hoping to push a cause known as menstrual equity — making sure that feminine hygiene products are affordable, safe and available. But success has been mixed.

A Balance of Interests in Arlington
Despite concerns about project size, townhouses at 11th & Vermont are unanimously approved by County Board.

Neighborhood Health Opens on Washington Boulevard in Arlington
New location offers access to primary care 5 days a week.
Thursday, February 22
Wednesday, February 21
Virginia Senate Might Torpedo Medicaid Expansion
Democrats still need to flip one more GOP senator to make it happen.
Usually it’s the state Senate that leads on progressive issues, and the House of Delegates kind of drags its feet. Not this year.

Gun Debate on Lockdown in Virginia
Democrats unable to gain traction on reform, despite new numbers in House.
When lawmakers arrived in Richmond last month, Democrats were hopeful that they would be able to use their new numbers to gain some traction on the gun debate. Now that the session is half over and the nation is reeling from yet another mass shooting, very little of their agenda has been accomplished at the Capitol.
Tuesday, February 20
Disability and Diversity in Arlington
Fight continues for integration of students with disabilities into new Wilson School site.

Northern Virginia’s Report Card Unveiled
“Shape of the Region” Conference reviews area’s Opportunity Index and gathers leaders to discuss successes and challenges.

Diving into Black History with Books
Local educators suggest books to read in celebration of African American History Month.

Candlelight Vigil for Florida Shooting Victims
Protesters at NRA headquarters decry killings, demand lawmakers pass laws to stem gun violence.
Monday, February 19
Arlington Home Sales: January, 2018
In January, 2018, 155 Arlington homes sold between $2,775,000-$102,000.
Arlington Home Sales: January, 2018
Sunday, February 18

A Stitch In Time
With the children out of the nest, Shafer Dobry is re-embracing her passion for fiber arts in a basement studio.
Saturday, February 17
Thursday, February 15

View from Coffin Corner
Extreme position on House floor enjoys a storied history.
As a freshman delegate in 1978, Ken Plum was assigned a desk in the far corner on the Democratic side of the House of Delegates — seat 17. It wasn’t the best vantage point in the House because about a third of the Republican members were totally out of view. The senior members took the seats at the back of the chamber near the center, sticking Plum in the corner.
Wednesday, February 14

Holocaust Survivor Shares Her Story
Eva Schloss, the 88-year-old step-sister of Anne Frank, speaks at GMU.
Tuesday, February 13

Too Big To Fail in Arlington
Despite concerns about project size, townhouses at 11th & Vermont are unanimously approved by Planning Commission.
Saturday, February 10
Friday, February 9

Virginia Lawmakers Play Whack-A-Mole with Predatory Lenders
Senate panel takes action limiting one kind of high-interest loan, leaving loophole for another.
By this time next year, high-interest lenders may be prohibited from making consumer finance loans — at least ones they find profitable at 200 percent interest. So that loophole may be closed by the end of the General Assembly session. But it seems likely lawmakers will leave Richmond this year creating no restrictions on open-end lines of credit, raising concern among some that lawmakers are playing a game of whack-a-mole.
Wednesday, February 7

Signature Theatre in Arlington Presents ‘Light Years’
World premiere musical with Robbie Schaefer of the band, Eddie From Ohio.
Tuesday, February 6
Monday, February 5

Short Bridge, Big Compatibility Issues in Arlington and Alexandria
Arlington moves forward with bridge park, but Alexandria lags behind.
Thursday, February 1
Many Immigrant Stories But Similar Fears
Details of immigrant stories differ but the roller coaster of stress and uncertainty is the same.

Effort to Force Diversity at TJ School Fails
Lawmakers reject bill that would have required governor’s school to admit poor students.