Wednesday, April 29

A Special Win for Michael Wardian
After running 262.5 miles over the course of two and a half days straight, without sleep, Wardian won the first-ever Quarantine Backyard Ultramarathon.
Thursday, April 23

Mounting Layoffs
Businesses notify state officials of 5,000 layoffs in Northern Virginia.
Businesses across Northern Virginia are flooding the Virginia Economic Commission with thousands of layoff notifications, an indication of how deep the region’s economic uncertainty is becoming as the COVID-19 crisis continues its devastating path. Since the beginning of March, the commission has received notification of about 5,000 layoffs in Northern Virginia. That’s more layoffs in one part of the state than all the other regions in Virginia combined.
Wednesday, April 22
Tuesday, April 21

Staying Active in Social Isolation
A variety of local offerings allows for days filled with activity.
Friday, April 17
Earth Day Is April 22
Special Earth Day Address from His Holiness Pope Francis to be included in Earth Day.
Opinion: Commentary: Here It Comes: 140 Amendments to Virginia State Budget
Veto session to consider 101 amendments to bills is next week.
Wednesday, April 15

Keeping the Chamber Boat Afloat in Northern Virginia
Various Chambers of Commerce are helping members to get through the pandemic.
Slice of Life in Arlington: What He Really Seemed to Need Was a Hug
Six feet turns out to be a lot of distance to hear clearly in the wind.
Arlington Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Pandemic Priorities
Foresight helps keep pandemic at bay in local detention centers.

Banks to the Rescue
Small businesses wait for banks to get federal money from the Paycheck Protection Program.
Like many business owners across Northern Virginia, Cyrille Brenac is still waiting to hear back from his bank about his application to the Paycheck Protection Program. That’s the $350 billion program that was part of the $2.2 trillion stimulus law designed to offer money to small businesses who can demonstrate they are keeping their employees. For Brenac, who lives in the Cherrydale neighborhood of Arlington, the money would help him rehire about 50 employees of his two French restaurants he laid off when the economy abruptly shut down as the result of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Tuesday, April 14
Friday, April 10

Justice Delayed
When does a defendant no longer have the right to a speedy trial?
Judges across Northern Virginia are about to be presented with a difficult question: Does the crisis created by the coronavirus pandemic trump a defendant’s right to a speedy trial?
Opinion: Commentary: Virginia State Legislature Must Make Tough Decisions
All new spending in the state’s new two-year budget is on hold.
Thursday, April 9
What Does Stay Home Mean for Arlington Homeless?
A-SPAN faces onslaught of uncertainty and change.

Northern Virginia Activists Helped Pass a Stronger Virginia Clean Economy Act
Not the Green New Deal, but it’s a beginning, local leaders say.
Wednesday, April 8
Town Hall Highlights Local Steps on Coronavirus in Northern Virginia
“Stay home. Wash your hands.”
Monday, April 6
Friday, April 3

Arlington Teachers, Students Pursue Eco-Friendly Policy
Reduce, reuse, recycle, rot: students, volunteers and teachers taking the lead.

Opera NOVA, Democratizing Opera in Arlington
“The way to democratize access was to start with children.”
Thursday, April 2
Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax State Representatives Push Through Anti-Plastic Bills
Lopez, Ebbin and Favola pushed for new laws
Wednesday, April 1

Amazon Gives $1 Million Locally to Fight the Impact of COVID-19
The Community Foundation for Northern Virginia Awards Block Grants.