Saturday, August 28

Volunteering Can Give Seniors Purpose
Seniors and retirees can stay active and have a positive impact on the community.
Every Tuesday this summer, Esther Rosenberg has welcomed two elementary school-aged students into her Potomac, Md. home.
Opinion: Column: “Enough Already”
As my late mother would have suggested after reading four consecutive weeks of Kenny's column being on the same subject: the second degree burns on my feet, I am finally moving on.
Friday, August 27

Overcoming Mental Health Stigma
Suicide Walk-a-Thon brings awareness
The pandemic's psychological and socioeconomic fallout may be driving an accelerated trend in depressive symptoms and suicide ideation, attempts, and deaths in Fairfax County, reported experts in mental health at the "Fight Suicide" Walk-a-Thon at Lake Fairfax Park in Reston held Aug. 21.
Thursday, August 26

Senior Olympics Profile Orienteering
Which way is north again?
Grab a compass and detailed topographical map and head out over unfamiliar terrain to navigate a set course in the fastest time.
Sunday, August 22

New Law Could Help Save Turtles
Wild turtles need protection; enjoy them by seeing them, but leave them be.
From scratchy ancient petroglyphs to the children’s book heroine, Myrtle the turtle, to fictional superheroes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, turtles have long fascinated people.
Saturday, August 21
Flourishing After 55 in Arlington
Office of 55+ Programs

‘Never Forgotten’: Cross Country Motorcycle Ride Ends at Arlington National Cemetery
Beth Ann Dively knew something was wrong.
Friday, August 20

Lucky Danger Adds Twist to Chinese-American Food in Arlington
New take-out opens in Westport
Lucky Danger opened with much anticipation July 21 at Arlington’s Westport behind Pentagon City.
Wednesday, August 18
Opinion: Column: Hopping and Hoping
As I approach my four-week anniversary of "the burning," I do so with cautious optimism that one day soon, I'll be walking upright once again and doing so without the assistance of my walker.

Universities Measure Heat Disparities in Virginia
Marymount professor and student join ‘Heat Watch’ effort.
Enduring dangerously high temperatures, Marymount University student Bader Hakami and biology professor Susan Agolini spent a day working as community scientists.
Tuesday, August 17

Silver Anniversary, Grande Finale
Last performance for Bowen McCauley Dance Company to celebrate final performance, at Kennedy Center
Lucy Bowen has decided to go out with a bang.
Saturday, August 14
Opinion: Commentary: Virginia Legislature Decides on Funds, Addresses Needs
On Aug. 10, the General Assembly completed work in a special session to appropriate federal pandemic funds and elect judges.
Friday, August 13

Paving and Warm Weather are in Tandem This Year in Northern Virginia
There is a map and system to where the paving goes.
August is hot, and the drivers trying to get back to a normal routine have probably hit a pothole or two out on the roads, but VDOT is out there with the paving crews, putting down pavement on 1,145 lane miles throughout the paving season, which goes until November.
Thursday, August 12
Design Ideas to Welcome Fall
Small changes in home accessories can transform a space.
When it comes to interior design, attention to even the smallest of details took on new importance over the past year.

Big Money for Big Biz, Not as Much for Poor
Lawmakers go on a spending spree with billions of dollars from Uncle Sam.
Big business cleaned up this week, taking home the biggest prizes in the special session to spend $3 billion in stimulus cash. Meanwhile, low-income Virginians didn't fare quite as well.
Snakeheads Are Thriving in Area Waters
Snakeheads taste like a tender pork chop, some say.
They lurk in the murky, sluggish shallows, their elongated bodies and splotchy, brown skin camouflaged in the shoreline’s woody detritus and dense vegetation.
Sunday, August 8

Rock Spring UCC in Arlington Donates $24,000 to Power Rural Clinics in India During COVID
One man’s journey lights a village.
Save a life with a reliable solar panel in a medical clinic in rural India.
Flourishing After 55 in Arlington
Office of 55+ Programs

Arlington Swimmers Want Pool Agreement Reconsidered
Superintendent‘s decision not reviewed first by school board and pool patrons
Arlington taxpayer and swimmer Walt Edwards is angry.
Saturday, August 7

Arlington Blows Hot and Cold on Gas Leaf Blowers
Noise, pollution, habitat destruction seen as unsustainable
Gas-powered lawn mowers, edgers, and leaf blowers crisscrossing the lawns in Arlington are generating dissent.
Thursday, August 5

Spending Spree
General Assembly returns to Richmond to appropriate federal stimulus cash
In the 1985 hit movie "Brewster's Millions," Richard Pryor is given the task of spending $30 million in 30 days.
Wednesday, August 4
Opinion: Commentary: Biden Can Do More to Keep Guns Out of Unsafe Hands
How badly do we want to reduce gun violence in America, whether from suicides, mass shootings, domestic violence or some combination of the above?

Streams Get a Lift from a County Program
‘Operation Stream Shield’ is called a win-win-win.
Operation Stream Shield

Northern Virginia Senior Olympics Opens 39th Year in September
Step up and claim your Olympic medal awarded after each event.

Pressure for Athletic Success Can Lead to Stress
Balancing the need for athletic achievement with emotional wellbeing
Practicing with her club track team three days each week, training with a private coach on the other four days and balancing a challenging academic workload led to a stressful school year for Alexandria high school senior Alexis McCormick.