Saturday, January 30
Regional Travel Survey Shows Benefits of Walkable, Transit-Oriented Places
Coalition for Smarter Grown shares Council of Government’s report highlights on walkable, transit-oriented places like Alexandria and Arlington.
Biking and Walking: “Among the key findings of the survey has been the growth in biking and walking in the core jurisdictions of DC, Arlington, and Alexandria. It has also indicated that activity centers with a focused mix of jobs and housing also have higher rates of walking and biking,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth.
Opinion: Commentary: In Virginia: Vaccines & COVID Recovery
The Virginia Department of Health (VDH), health care professionals, and Virginia’s Medical Reserve Corps continue to work overtime to care for those afflicted with COVID-19.
Friday, January 29
Back to Basics: Help Make Recycling Work in Arlington
Arlington trash cans this week were decorated with “Recycling Made Simple” pamphlets outlining the four categories of materials that are acceptable in the blue recycling bin.

Arlington Vaccine Update: Frustrating, Scary
On Saturday, the County Board received a lengthy and detailed update on Covid-19 vaccine distribution in Arlington.
Thursday, January 28

Tightening Criteria for Entering into Gang Database
Gang Task Force use of DataWalk under scrutiny
On Oct. 2, 2018, Northern Virginia Regional Gang Task Force selected DataWalk as their analytical platform to support its fight against gangs according to a headline on BUSINESS WIRE.

ArPets: Local News to the Rescue
Yup, Brisket is one smart pup.
It was the last day of 2020 and he was hungry.

Fully Baked
Alexandria senator leads effort to legalize marijuana in Virginia.
The so-called "war on drugs" was a failure, locking up generations of Black men and tearing Black families apart. Now lawmakers in Richmond are finally coming around to realizing the damage that the prohibition against marijuana caused in minority communities. Last year members of the General Assembly approved legislation decriminalizing marijuana. This year, they may be on the verge of legalizing recreational use of marijuana — ending the failed war on drugs and adopting new equity measures to address some of the damage it caused.
Wednesday, January 27
Opinion: Column: Reoriented
Or to quote my high school baseball coach: "Reorientated."

Sorority Sisters Celebrate Vice President Kamala Harris
Joy, tears and hope about this historic moment in history
Wearing their sorority’s signature strand of pearls and clothing in shades of pink and green, Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) sorority members Martha Coleman and Shirley Dickerson Taylor were filled with awe and jubilation as they watched their sorority sister and fellow Historically Black College and University (HBCU) alum Kamala Harris, sworn in as Vice President of the United States.

Questioning Racially-Biased Gang Database
Activists: Residents can be entered into GangNet merely for living in neighborhoods where gang activity takes place.
With no recourse for review, a nebulous definition of gang membership led an activist, an immigration advocate, and a Virginia legislator to fight for change.
Opinion: Editorial: We Still Need Your Help
Thank you to hundreds who have supported us financially, and with warm words of encouragement
In 2009, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and after a year-long journey of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, I have been fine.
Friday, January 22
Upcoming Actions on Enhanced Gun Safety Legislation in Virginia
Del. Patrick Hope (D-47), who chairs the House Public Safety Committee, said after gun safety bills passed subcommittee today, that on Friday the full committee will be taking up legislation to continue to prevent gun violence.
Vaccine Shortage Limits Arlington’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
Arlington County Board Chair Matt de Ferranti said today that the County’s ability to inoculate those eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is limited by the availability of vaccine supply.

Opera NOVA Reaches Out to Seniors
Put away your jigsaw puzzles, turn off the TV and tune in to an Opera NOVA performance targeted to seniors which will launch on Jan 28.
Wednesday, January 20
Opinion: Column: Cancer and Covid...
…don't exactly go together like milk and cookies.
Blood Donations Needed
Since 1970, blood donors have been recognized in the month of January during National Blood Donor Month.
Helping Children Navigate Anxiety
Sharing feelings, listening without judgement during current political turmoil
As communities cope with the shock of daunting images of the recent riot at the U.S. Capitol, the mental health toll on children and teens can be significant but go unnoticed, say local therapists.

Killing the Death Penalty
Lawmakers consider bill to abolish capital punishment in Virginia
Virginia has executed people longer than any other state, a tradition that stretches back into colonial days when Captain George Kendall was executed for treason. Over the years, the commonwealth has executed more than 1,300 people. Now, Virginia may be about to join 22 other states that have abolished the death penalty.

Stairway to Heaven, the Song Everyone Loves to Hate
50th Anniversary of the Song is Upon Us.
Stairway to Heaven turns 50
Friday, January 15
Opinion: Commentary: Arlington Prepares for Presidential Inauguration
Don’t Go To D.C. for the Inauguration
Arlington County is taking all necessary steps to ensure public safety in the run-up to the Jan. 20, 2021 Presidential Inauguration, County Board Chair Matt de Ferranti said today.
HomeLifeStyle: Arlington Home Gets a Facelift
New design includes additional space for growing family
When the owners of a cozy and laid-back home in Arlington decided to enlarge their 1,600-square-foot abode to better accommodate their growing family, they sought help from architect Michael Winn.
ArPets: Tashi's Love of Ballston
"If the door opens and a dog is there I wasn’t expecting, I sometimes have to bark aggressively to let them know who’s boss."
Thursday, January 14
Opinion: Column: In Effect, a Trade
Incurable but treatable non small cell lung cancer, stage IV for incurable but treatable papillary thyroid cancer stage IV.

Privatized Incarceration
Alexandria senator leads fight against profiting from prisoners
Housing inmates in Virginia prisons costs the state about $70 a day for each inmate. But the private sector can do it a lot cheaper, about $50 a day. Lawmakers are about to debate whether that's a savings they can afford.
Wednesday, January 13
Virginia House Democrats Release Agenda for Upcoming Session
The House legislative agenda will focus on three key areas for the upcoming legislative session: Protecting Families; Keeping Virginia Healthy; Rebuilding Our Economy Stronger
Tuesday, January 12
Optimal Physical Therapy Joins OrthoVirginia in Arlington
OrthoVirginia has acquired Optimal Physical Therapy in Arlington.

AHC Inc. of Arlington Receives Excellence in Housing Affordability Award By Urban Land Institute Washington
AHC Inc., an Arlington developer of low-income housing, was recently honored with the 2020 Excellence in Housing Affordability Award from Urban Land Institute (ULI) Washington, a district council of the national nonprofit.
Saturday, January 9

Star Light, Star Light But No Star Tonight in Arlington
Your car lines up to join the search for the winter star that used to light up the sky, “giving a glorious aura and making you feel complete.
Arlington Police Announce Charges in Package Theft Series
The Arlington County Police Department’s Property Crimes Unit arrested a suspect in a package theft series.
Friday, January 8

ArPets: Meet King
The "giant teddy bear" who just wants to be loved
I remember it was gloomy that day.
Thursday, January 7
Opinion: Column: New Year, Old Problem: Cancer
As I sit and write here, with too much time on my hands, I can't help but consider my lot in life.
Gentle and Subtle Resolutions for 2021
Try small, simple and achievable goals
For 2021, local mental health professionals advise being gentle with yourself when creating the daily schedules and resolutions that often come with the beginning of the New Year.
Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Virginia Progressive Prosecutors Call for Criminal Justice Reforms
Reforms advocated for by the group include expungement of criminal records, an end to mandatory minimum sentences, an end to cash bail, abolition of the death penalty, and an end to “three strikes” felony enhancement for larceny offenses.
Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Heroes of Our Time
In 1940, when the British Royal Air Force (RAF) was fighting the air war in the skies over England, Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister at the time made the following statement referring to the RAF pilots:
Wednesday, January 6

Essential Leave
Advocates for paid sick days try to build support among Virginia Senate Democrats
Before the pandemic hit, Senate Democrats stopped a proposal requiring businesses to offer paid sick days. During the pandemic, they rejected it again during a special session. Now as lawmakers prepare for the upcoming General Assembly session, advocates are hoping they've finally got a strategy to persuade reluctant Senate Democrats to approve a new law increasing the number of workers in Virginia who have access to paid sick days.
Obituary: Michael Lassiter, 26, Dies
Michael (Mike) was born in Washington, D.C. to Oliver W. Whitehead and Marilyn Lassiter on Dec. 16, 1994.