Thursday, March 28
The Deal Is Dead
No to Arena Deal; Yes, Bipartisan Budget!
Arena deal off
Wednesday, March 27
“Flourishing After 55”
55+ Programs are in person at 55+ Centers unless otherwise noted. A 55+ Pass is required to participate starting at a $20 annual fee. To join or register, go to or call 703-228-4747.

Land-Use Group Holds Supervisor’s Feet to the Fire
Committee and MWAA explain their opposition to Agape plan.
It’s one thing to deliberately misrepresent a group’s opinion about a project and another to use that opinion to help sway a vote.
$1 Billion in Refunds for Tax Year 2020 Unclaimed
Taxpayers face May 17 deadline.
The Internal Revenue Service says that almost 940,000 people across the nation have unclaimed refunds for tax year 2020 but face a May 17 deadline to submit their tax returns.
Information for Candidates for Local Elected Office in Alexandria
The City of Alexandria is providing information for candidates interested in running for local elected offices.

Cappies Review: Into the Woods at Bishop Ireton High School
Get prepared to be transported into a spellbinding fusion of classic fairy tales in Bishop Ireton's showcase of “Into the Woods.”

Stanley Clarke Brinkley, 61, Dies March 24
Stanley Clarke Brinkley, 61, died Sunday, March 24 after a brief illness.

Arlington’s Casual Adventure Seeks Socks to Recycle
Socks are one of the most thrown out clothing item, clogging landfills
"There is a tremendous enthusiasm for the whole repurpose movement. People love the idea of finding a new home or a new way to use something that would otherwise be discarded. Casual Adventure goes above and beyond to reach out to the community to make people more aware of the program. Year after year, people continue to find socks to bring in. Casual Adventure has always ranked in the top 10 nationally which is a win/win for everybody involved." — Mitchell McGuinness, Smartwool Regional Representative
Wrap Up for March Board Meeting
Saturday, March 16, 2024 – Regular County Board Meeting
Saturday, March 16, 2024 – Regular County Board Meeting
Arlington Doctor Who Illegally Flooded Region with Oxycodone Sentenced to 10 Years
An Arlington woman convicted of illegally prescribing and distributing over a million oxycodone pills was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Living Legends: The Dynamic Duo
Patty and Kate Moran making a difference in Del Ray.
Living Legends “It’s addictive here. The people are so easy to get along with.” — Patty Moran

Alloy Personal Training Opens in Old Town
Long-time Alexandria resident Russ Merbeth hosted the Grand Opening of Virginia’s first Alloy Personal Training studio in Old Town Alexandria, along with Alexandria Vice Mayor Amy Jackson and the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce.

Essential Workers Appreciation
MVCS hosts 3rd annual event.
“It’s entertaining to visit the schools once a week.” — ASO Master Deputy Wakeatin Carter
Friday, March 22
Federal Funds Earmarked for Local Projects
Local Projects
Potomac Home Sales: February, 2024
In February, 2024, 28 Potomac homes sold between $2,450,000-$820,000.
In February, 2024, 28 Potomac homes sold between $2,450,000-$820,000.
Wednesday, March 20

Free Tax Returns Prepared Locally
The way it works is that when you arrive you will be interviewed by a tax counselor who will collect your information and then prepare your return. A second counselor will then review your return with you and answer any questions you may have. You will receive a printed copy of your return for your records and then your return will be electronically filed for you.

Federal Earmarks Awarded for Local Projects
Culpepper Garden received $2.03 million in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill that was signed into law on March 9 as part of an appropriations package just hours before a shutdown deadline.
Clean Out, Drop Off: E-Care on Saturday
Get a head start on spring cleaning with Arlington's Environmental Collection and Recycling (E-CARE) event on Saturday, March 23. The free clean-out and drop-off event runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine, at Wakefield High School (1325 South Dinwiddie Street).

Saving the Parkway’s Trees
National Park Service forests are at risk of failure in the national capital region and beyond.
English ivy is one of the most invasive and destructive plants in the region.

Women’s History Month With Team MVD
In celebration of Women's History Month, it's a pleasure to introduce the dedicated members of Team MVD who tirelessly serve our community.

Mount Vernon Ladies Receive Spirit of Virginia Award
Governor and First Lady make presentation at the Estate.
“In rescuing America’s most historic home and pioneering the preservation space, the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association embodies what it means to uplift the spirit of Virginia.” — Gov. Glenn Youngkin

Breaking Down Virginia's Gaming Landscape
Balancing expansion with responsibility.
In recent years, Virginia has witnessed a significant expansion in its gaming industry.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day Event
News Briefs
Car Seat Inspections on March 28
Parents may get their children’s car seats inspected on Thursday, March 28, from 5-8:30 p.m., outside the Sully District Police Station.
Affordable Housing For People with Serious Mental Illness
The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) plans to implement an increase in rental assistance to individuals with serious mental illness.
“Flourishing After 55”
55+ Programs are in person at 55+ Centers unless otherwise noted. A 55+ Pass is required to participate starting at a $20 annual fee. To join or register, go to or call 703-228-4747.
Tuesday, March 19

Newly Released Book Chronicles Fall of Saigon 1975
Local author tells of her Vietnamese family’s escape on the last plane out.
Vietnam book
Wednesday, March 13
Gov. Youngkin Vetoes Bills to Protect Survivors of Domestic Violence
Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed HB46 and SB47, sponsored by Del. Elizabeth Bennett-Parker, Sen. Barbara Favola, critical bills to protect survivors of domestic violence. Nearly one third of all homicides in Virginia are domestic violence related, and nearly two thirds of domestic violence homicides in VA are committed with a firearm. The bills would not have affected law-abiding gun owners and would have saved lives.
Fatal Pedestrian Crash, Hit and Run
Police Briefs

Fran Redmon
Philanthropist, arts supporter dies at 86.
“When you find your niche and do something about it, you’ve found your place.” — Philanthropist and Living Legend Fran Redmon
New Deputy City Manager
News Briefs

Arena Fail
General Assembly says no to Glenndome; lawmakers to reconvene April 17.
“I just stood firm on what I believe in my heart to be in the best interest of the commonwealth, and that was just to say no to the Glenndome.” — Sen. L. Louise Lucas “We will continue to engage with policymakers in Richmond to ensure that Alexandrians ultimately get to consider a final version of this proposal.” — Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson
Volunteer for Earth Day at Sully Historic Site
News Briefs
Equality Virginia: Finally, Marriage Equality is Codified in Virginia
Gov. Youngkin signs HB 174 which updates the Virginia Code to affirm marriage rights.
On March 8, Equality Virginia Advocates, the public policy and advocacy arm of the Commonwealth’s leading advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) equality, applauded the signing of HB 174, a bill that updates the Virginia Code with an affirmative right to marriage for same-sex couples.

Sine Die
“Sine die” is the language that marks the end of the regular session of the Virginia General Assembly.
Fatal Motorcycle Crash in Bailey’s Crossroads
Detectives from FCPD Crash Reconstruction Unit (CRU) are investigating a fatal crash involving a motorcyclist that occurred in Bailey’s Crossroads.
“Flourishing After 55”
55+ Programs are in person at 55+ Centers unless otherwise noted. A 55+ Pass is required to participate starting at a $20 annual fee. To join or register, go to or call 703-228-4747.

PathForward Receives Federal Grant for Siebert House
PathForward announced March 11 that it will receive $1,342,704 in Federal funding for purchase of Siebert House. Siebert House is an 8-unit apartment building located in the Westover area of Arlington which currently houses chronically homeless people.
Death Investigation Ruled a Homicide-Suicide
A death investigation in the East Falls Church neighborhood has been ruled a homicide-suicide following a determination of cause and manner of death by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

Rally Against Hate Supports Rock Spring Neighbors
Arlington neighbors gathered March 1 at a Rally Against Hate held on the steps of Rock Spring UCC to show community support for neighbors whose properties had been defaced with racial slurs and swastikas on Feb. 19.
CORE and THRIVE Advancing Businesses in Fairfax County
This week, the County proudly introduces Fairfax CORE (Connecting Opportunities and Resources for Entrepreneurs), a groundbreaking online platform designed to empower business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs in Fairfax County, including the towns of Clifton and Vienna and cities of Fairfax and Falls Church.

Sine Do or Die
On Saturday evening, March 9, the 2024 General Assembly session adjourned sine die. “Sine die” is Latin for “without day,” and in legalese, if you will, it means “indefinitely.”
Wednesday, March 6
Self-Defense Classes for Women
Round Ups

County’s Real Estate Tax Rate Advertised at 4 Cent Increase
Fairfax County Supervisors at its March 5 meeting approved advertising a 4-cent FY 2025 real estate tax rate increase for the County Executive's FY 2025 Fairfax County Advertised Budget. The advertised rate is $1.135 per $100 of assessed valuation.

SSA’s March Speaker Series: SSA Connection LIVE!
Every week, Senior Services of Alexandria’s “SSA Connection” provides seniors with an informative TED Talk, exercise video, recipe, and activity to brighten their week.

The Final Countdown
We’re in the final week of the 2024 General Assembly session and we still have much work to do.

Scam Season
Be alert for these scams that increase in spring and summer.
With warmer weather on the way, I wanted to alert you to some common scams that you should be aware of during the upcoming spring and summer months.

Apprehension Mounts As City Council Considers Arena Proposal
Virginia General Assembly must create an authority that would own the property and lease it to Monumental for the plan to move forward.
“Recognize a fairy tale when you're told one.” — Meredith Lair, Lynhaven “The city has an AAA bond rating for a reason.” — Councilman Canek Aguirre
Disappointed in Letter on Abortion
Letters to the Editor

Local Businesses Win Big At THE BEST Business Awards
Mount Vernon Springfield Chamber of Commerce recognized businesses that make community involvement a priority.
Local business leaders gathered together this past Friday at the Hilton Springfield for THE BEST Business Awards Gala presented by the Mount Vernon Springfield Chamber of Commerce recognizing outstanding businesses that make community involvement a priority.

Tentative Agreement Between ATU Local 689, Transdev
Fairfax County Connector Bus service expected to restart Friday, March 8.
After a daylong negotiation session on Tuesday, March 5, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689, representing striking Fairfax County Connector bus drivers and mechanics, reached a tentative agreement with Transdev.

Fraley Is New CEO at United Community
United Community today announced the appointment of Leah Fraley as its new CEO, effective April 1, 2024. Leah succeeds Alison DeCourcey who left United Community in June of 2023. Bryan Rice will remain Interim CEO until April 1.
“Flourishing After 55” in Arlington
After 55
We Struggle with the Aftermath of Oct. 7
Quakers, Muslims, Rabbis preach: “We must find the humanity in each other.”
Broken Pipe Part of Larger Project
‘No evidence that the pipe's failure had compromised the water quality of those homes.’
On Tuesday, March 5, John Lisle, vice president of marketing and communications at DC Water, said Fairfax County's Feb. 27 presentation at the Great Falls Community meeting was comparable to DC Water's previous community meetings held the week before.

Major Sewage Line Fails Near Potomac River in Great Falls
Fairfax tests wells, positive results for coliform and E. coli
The DC Water and Sewer Authority's Potomac Interceptor sewer line at Manhole #31, approximately 400 feet (just more than a football field) from the Potomac River, and varying proximity to 18 private wells in Great Falls, 158 feet to 2,755 feet, failed on or before Feb. 12.
Afghan Refugee Dreams of Peace
Afghan Refugee

’Jeopardy’ Intimidating But a Lot of Fun
Inside look at the pressures and joys of being on ‘Jeopardy’